You go me fucked up if you think I won’t gobble down a ham & cheese hot pocket, fam. (`^`# )
You go me fucked up if you think I won’t gobble down a ham & cheese hot pocket, fam. (`^`# )
This is a nice peek into that hell hole called Breitbart.
Quit crying about it and deal with it, you little bitch.
I can’t afford a decent 2nd hand car. But I love my 04 Honda civic, which I bought 2nd hand.
Oh my god Meghan, no gives a fuck about your dad anymore. His 15 minutes are up and you can’t keep dragging yours out just by mentioning his name.
Get fucking rekt mate.
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He looks like a shittier version Will Sasso as Kenny Rodgers in that Jackass skit from Mad Tv.
Some fucking people I swear. Of course it’s a conservative, out of touch dickheads.
I hate tipping.
No u.
I don’t even know what that is, you nerd.
Don’t you have a conspiracy theory’s dick to suck?
Finally, a good reason to visit that garbage state.
I didn’t read the article, but stop sucking Gwyneth Paltrow’s dick.
What the FUCK!!!!!!
I have never been so uninterested in such an event. Also xbox sucks don’t @ me.
Philly sucks!!
*Pop in* Bernie sucks!