Sad Crying Clown in an ILX

They picked the guy who walloped Trump by several million votes, received 12 million more votes than Obama ever got, and won the second largest share of the vote a Democrat has gotten in 60 years. They picked the strongest candidate, whether you like it or not.

The stakes aren’t too high to make fun of Joe Biden, but if you’re Jon Stewart and you’re making fun of Joe Biden, you should make fun of Joe Biden with new material

Once again: it is not the media’s job, nor has it ever been the media’s job, to overlook the flaws in your favorite candidate just because you view it as necessary for the greater good.”

People need to realize that, barring death of one of the candidates, one of two people will be president in 2025 and there is no third choice. Not actively choosing the lesser of two evils, no matter how unpalatable that may be, makes it more likely that the greater of two evils happens.

On one hand, you’re right that Trump presents a threat but also I feel like every remotely political comedian (that’s not right-wing) has spent the last ~4 years harping on that. We know. We ALL know. I would however agree with Jon that just because we don’t want Trump, doesn’t mean we should be closing our fucking

I guess I’m a “contraian” if that means expressing an opinion contrary to yours.

When was the last time polls were accurate?

Man, he didn’t do Joe any favors tonight. And kinda downplayed the threat that Trump presents if he were to win.

$5 million is a pretty low ask. I’m guessing they are optimistically hoping to get grandfathered in to the ad-free tier.

LOL - I read it the same way! I was thinking a Rolls Cunilingus plowed through a crowd sideways or something.

lol...same here.

This is what equality looks like. There was a time when of course this would have been a boy. But the strides we have made. Brings a tear to my eye. 

Ignorance is not a defense.

I can only imagine the room you’re sitting in as you type this. I can imagine the smell, considering my family had several nasty hoarders. You know you can do better, but you refuse to. You think it’s good enough, and that you’re focusing on the more important stuff, like DC-area pizza basements.

The headline (and subhead) indicate this is a list of the absolute worst of the season, but the introduction seems to indicate it’s more a collection of oddball and misfit songs that aren’t necessarily bad, and the list itself seems to take examples from both camps. It’s really quite confusing.

I guess no one at the AV Club has an Apple TV+ subscription any more. While maybe not mind-blowing television, shows like Silo, Shrinking, Slow Horses and Platonic should have merited inclusion.

Alberta elected a premier who said the unvaxxed were the most descriminated against group in history, she also believes that smoking can be good for you. They passed a nine month moratorium on renewable energy and are using a law to block a federal net zero law on electricity. Oddly nothing against lgbt yet but I

Sadly, this is happening all over the planet. 

So the crazy shit is happening in Canada too. A lot of Americans seem to think Canada is perfect and free from the right wing bullshit we have here and some expressed a desire to move there after Trump won. Sounds like the same shit is up there.