
My life has forever changed since I bought this sucker. Seriously.

As somebody who is more a car guy than a bike guy, but for some reason really likes scooters......why not scooters?

I don’t mean ride-sharing electric scooters, I mean Vespa, etc scooters.

Not as powerful as bikes, so less dangerous. Much smaller engines (that can often still go 80-100kph which is plenty fast for normal

So basically you discovered moped.

Mmmm... OEM assembly line socket....

If you can hear it every time you hit a pothole, does that count as knowing where it is? You didn’t say anything about being able to get it, just knowing where it is, right?

No, it’s ugly.  

Nah Brah.

Dude I dig the hell out of this.

He’s racing in the 24 hours of LeMons

This is easy, he made sure he isn’t tied into an F1 driver contract because he’s going to be the lead driver for the Bugatti F1 team that uses Porsche engines. Their main sponsor will be Bitcoin and his team mate will be the first female F1 driver. Duh.


You’re telling me the company that has balanced it’s balls on bankruptcy and small cash flow doesn’t want to invest into a market that is pretty much cornered and demands perfection from every automobile?

You know, it is nuts. Everyone says “low profile tires are required for performance!” Well, not all performance cars have low profile tires. (admittedly, these tire profiles are mandated, but you can’t tell me that your Hyundai with 1" high sideways can outperform this vehicle with the fat sidewalls).

Meanwhile in conservative states:

I would slap cold hard cash down on the table right now. Then again, I bought a car with cash at a Audi dealer of all places. and they thought I was some sort of bad guy. They almost wouldn’t take it due to all the reporting requirements.  The salesmen was like, “You brought how much in cash?”

I wouldn’t have a moment’s hesitation. RWD? Check. Maneuverable? Check. Attractive? Check (beauty is in the eye of the beholder, anyhow). Fun colors? Check. Lightweight? Check. Balanced? Check. Affordable? Yet to be determined, but that seems to be the goal, so a preemptive Check.

Yep.  We are in “shut up and take my money” territory here.  I love pretty much everything about this car and want one badly.

Dear Honda,