Grayed all day is the price I pay for quitting Facebook

Break the chains of oppression Home Depot comrades! Behold the teutonic extravagance which your capitalist overlord drives! Unionize Now!

The NY Post is hiring for opinion writers, you should send your cv!

At first I thought you were being a dick, then I watched the shitty video clip. I think there’s egg drop soup residue on the lens even!

I’ve begun a different tactic, I now point and laugh when I see an open carrier, and then tell my daughter loudly, “look sweetie, that man has a small wiener”. It’s fun for everyone except for the jackass who felt the need to bring a gun into Baskin Robbins.

Brighton? Seems like an odd choice for someone who can afford to live/work anywhere on the planet. I know, I know, it’s acquired a “cool” factor of late, but it’s still fucking Brighton, chilly, rainy, beaches made of pebbles.

The answer is always Christina Ricci, even if it’s a guy.

My neighbor has the last gen Prius and parks it on the street. Yesterday he told me he was thinking of buying the new one, I stopped him right there and explained neighborhood rules forbid parking on the street and I’ve happily overlooked it, but I will have that ugly pos towed if you buy it.

From my experience, the only shooting most Marines do in gay bars is warm and drippy.

So I can suggest “Bugatti Type 37A” in your next “What Should I Buy?” post?

They need to use the German double s symbol on something, why not GT-ß?

A stubby, lumpy chubby on a middle-aged ginger, held back by jizz-encrusted, pink silk panties.

I bet he calls the other kids “meat heads”.

Coffee and cocaine.

In France all the badges simply fall off from the frequent bump parking and those half-dome reflectors sitting 3 inches above the cobblestones.

It was quite a shock to move to CA where you can buy hard liquor in a $.99 store, or pick up some tequila with your opiate prescription at the drugstore. Mind blown.

Last of the series;

Brian Griffin = Prius imho:

You’re supposed to get your pussy in Vegas, not take it there!

I’m going to guess this person lives in the car with the kitten, and it was probably born there too. We can’t see the floor, but no doubt the passenger side is filled with cat litter and the rest of it with discarded ramen packets and empty, generic energy shot containers.

I think he’s playing the long game, staying in for increased name recognition and an “I told you so” moment when Trump or Cruz gets slaughtered in the general. This positions him perfectly to pick up where he left off in 2019, and he can say Rubio et al gave up the ghost while he stuck it out. In other words, he’s