
Possibly stupid question here based on my terrible memory...but what exactly has Bryce Harper done to deserve an ‘attitude adjustment’? Other than some behavior, style, and word phrasing that some people would describe as douchey, what has he done wrong within the actual scope of the sport that he plays? As far as I

Is there a way to filter out the terrible, unfunny, tired ‘joke’ comments on these articles and only see the people actually contributing to the conversation about the subject at hand? Deadspin commentators are the least funny yet still so self satisfied group of idiots on the planet.

Read as: Deadspin hates Chris Broussard, will rip him to shreds for any tiny misstep.

God forbid anyone do anything nice.


Uh, no. That’s $1.6M for EIGHTY regular season games over the course of 10 years. Or $160k a year. That’s not that insane, depending on how much this Ragnar character adds to the fan experience.

Also against the Bills:

He (quite obviously and you are being purposefully obtuse), meant authoritarian in that you and your like demand obedience to your way of thinking and your belief system, and did not mean obedience to the authority of the government. Put please, go ahead and play ‘gotcha’ semantics if you’d like, it just makes you

Oh he 100% called him an Uncle Tom. It’s clear as day.

Yes, those things would be crazy, if they were actually what was said. Unfortunately for everyone reading this being bullied and misinformed, they were not.

You just got owned Burneko. “buttpanda” nailed you 100% for what you are and what you do. Pretend it was ‘hilarious’ all you want...

Even now you don’t get it. You say insane. Others don’t. Your opinion is not the only one! You don’t get to decide what is ‘batshit’ and what isn’t. Half the country thinks a lot of the ideas listed in this article are very viable options. And before you respond, no, not stupid people. Very intelligent people, many

Does no one think the Giant’s got screwed a little here? Granted they panicked once they did, and that’s on them, but the Cowboys SHOULD have had one timeout left. How is it right that an offsides on the defense stops the clock? If that is true, why don’t defenses without timeouts do that all the time if they are down

A: Athletic Talent

hey fuckface, EVERYONE I know, liberal or conservative, acknowledges that that pitch that GWB threw was an awesome, awesome moment and one that America sorely needed at the time. Just the fact that he was there, then BAM, a freaking laser strike!

Nobody is stopping him from turning Notre Dame football into a club sport that doesn’t produce millions of dollars in revenue but does improve the educational experience of students”

“if he really does believe a) that people watch and pump money into college sports because they are charmed by the noble ideal of amateurism”

This is the Deadspin equivalent of Colbert’s “George W. Bush, Great President...or the Best President?” except he was joking, and you guys are shitty enough at your jobs to think this is actually okay from an editorial standpoint. As usual, fuck off Tom.

Love how the Deadspin Editorial board thinks they should issue a statement on this, as if their opinion holds some sort of weight...adorable.

This incident was pretty harmless, but Carlos Gomez is the worst.