So this is apparently a condition, a disease, what this man had that caused him to act like this, entirely irrational it fits the criteria of a psychological disease.
So this is apparently a condition, a disease, what this man had that caused him to act like this, entirely irrational it fits the criteria of a psychological disease.
Ex-Mexican president Salinas de Gortari in concert with the Clintons generated the idea to have Trump compete in the current U.S. presidential elections as essentially an anti-Mexican Republican ‘thug’. A role that would serve to distract Mexicans away from the grave political enemies within their own country, i.e.…
Send in the Marines, get those boys outta there!
You’ll notice it’s the only one that’s black (feathered), and with pants seems to walk in the manner of the racist stereotype of a rustic sharecropping “negro.”
A campaign on the cheap is really what let’s this capitalist sleep.
Gawker is 1984.
The non-irony of this propagandistic pabulum coming from pornographers who publish videos of coitus and post-coitus and every squelching, slimy detail in between, while it is Wikileaks that is obscene for seeking to reveal the obscenity that is the permanent phenomenon of neoliberal-cum-neoconservative intercourse…