joe zenkus

Just because you build a pre-fab building in 90 days, doesn't mean there isn't as much (or more) work going on in the background in a warehouse to build all those modular assemblies. There has to be many reasons they do it this way (better quality, lower wages in a pre-fab factory, less cost for permits if you only

isn't the real purpose of a rube goldberg machine to run without any human interaction whatsoever? That would be like setting up dominoes, and having a bunch of guys kicking them mid-way

Every translator watching this video just went "crap! I better find a new career!"

OMG, these keep getting worse. Who writes this?

is it cool? Yes. Is it illegal? highly! cops pull you over for blue undercarriage lights, what do you suppose they'll think when they see LCD's replacing tail-lights?

Soooo.. her house is approximately 17 times the size of my house? gee, I feel tiny now. I really hope she has some green energy running that thing

You know if you do some basic math... Assuming each worker's job they saved averages $40,000/year, that means the 40 billion dollars paid for all of their salaries for the first year. Out of 4 years, that's 25%, which is about what unemployment pays. It almost seems like a wash, other than the fact that GM and

it's a shame people mostly know him for "rock it", he's actually an accomplished musician

You know what's next right? google creates internet 2 with all the dark fiber they bought, offer a dirt cheap broadband package discount if you agree to stick a webcam out your window. Google has the most updated maps (automatically). Team that with self-driving cars to get the roads (dont' need to pay people to

only makes sense it's able to do this, it has multiple camera lenses taking the same photo at the same time, at different depths. That's how it's able to change the focal point. Since each camera lens is at a slightly different angle, your essentially getting like eyeballs, or a 3d image (and why you can only shift

No pole position II "prepare to qualify"? no sinistar "beware, I live"?

that's not fair, most TED talks typically have much more research and development than "just a visionary idea". That guy reminds me of an industrial engineer "Well I sketched it up in 3d, now just design it, how hard can it be?"

Men in black flashy thing?

And it detects if your shuffling forwards or backwards how?

I remember a time when I would drink about 6 mountain dews a day (the highest sugar content soda you can drink btw). I stopped drinking soda altogether about 3 years ago, never been happier. That's not to say I don't drink sweet drinks, but there better things to sweeten it with than sugar or HFCS

although 68 million years is a LONG time for anything to be preserved, it boggles the mind how something that's sealed up (and in fact, solid) can still deteriorate over time. Makes me wonder if that DNA is truly unreadable, or if we just haven't come up with a computer software logic that can overcome it (like

There must be a far more efficient way of storing energy than this. I would think a turbine using that energy to say, pump water up to a tower, then releasing that water (stored up high) back to a generator to convert back to electricity could be more efficient than this, especially if it were a closed loop system.

The future internet via johnny mnemonic VR, brought to you by microsoft? Whodathunkit?

this makes me think of the movie speed "Take my hannnd!"

Yes, though you'll need a 3rd camera to read that person's facial expressions, and you'll need the software to recognize every country's language, and every local slang, and it will STILL make mistakes because even in the deaf community you will have people that slur their words