joe zenkus

call me crazy, but wouldn't this price beat out the 2009 entry level civic DX by at least a grand? I would think this would kill their sales.

"they're boxy, but their good"

There was a guy that built an electric motorcycle with lead acid batteries that got at least a 30-40 mile range for like $1k. The biggest cost of this bike is the lithium-ion batteries, I would think they could squeeze twice the amount in there too (1/3 size of lead-acid and 1/3 the weight too)

quickly, to the slot machines!

what's wrong with a plastic interior, what do you want for a mid-priced car, leather? Perhaps you want some stainless steel? Maybe they can embed some diamonds into the center console

So long as they can keep the price down (in the $17-$18k range to compete with the new honda insight), GM has a winner on their hands. I also hope they keep that cool futuristic lighting in the front like on the renderings.

Hmm, maybe GM should work on making the vette more affordable instead of creating super 600hp versions selling for nearly 6 figures?

it's a 2:1 scale version

can Michael bay be any fuller of himself?

I'm doubting that pricing, but hey.. never know. Maybe honda found a really cheap source for lead-acid batteries? That's really the biggest key why people don't buy hybrids, the difference in gas isn't paid for unless you drive it for 10-15 years, even at today's gas prices.

although sad *tear* are we really surprised? people with too much money and poor driving skills are bound to turn a pizza joint into a drive-thru.

GM is lucky to be selling any cars at all.. they still make a profit off GM discount

Had a friend who's airbag went off in a tercel. Wasn't worth paying the $500 to replace, so he tore the bag out, duct taped the steering wheel flaps down. His trunk lock also got damaged, so it was held down by bungee cords.

The lotus tesla is reporting lower range than expected, and the X1 roadster has been lowered to 0-60 times in 7 seconds. These high mpg numbers are only guesses. Not to say I wouldn't be happy with a 100mpg car that goes 0-60 in 3-4 seconds, just sayin

boo hoo.. drive a more efficient car and it won't be an issue. My corolla CAN get 40mpg (though I typically get 35 the way I drive). Paying $25/week in gas isn't so bad when you think of alternate transportation. If you don't like paying high prices, stop creating demand and drive more efficient vehicles. Yes you

He's also a hypocrit being all "green" and shoving global warming down our throat, seeing how he owns a 10,000 sq foot manion in nashville, and a 4,000 sq foot home in virgina.

I love car talk, and this report that al gore is switching to ford because it's a hybrid has me steaming mad!