
it looks like it might be toes around a doorknob on either side of the door, with knees pressed against the glass. The water distorts a lot of it. If you look at the lower left, by the "butt cheek", you can see the place where the calf is pressed against thigh. Someone else would probably have to take the pic, or a

look at you taking an opportunity to tell people online how big your penis is! Adorable!

gluten free on a bottle of aspirin. Also, I saw organic water the other day, which cracked me right up.

it might be loading the ads from a different server than the articles?

she does s pay freelancers, the issue is that she retains control of use of images of HERSELF in perpetuity. I can see both sides.

I had to Heimlich someone once. It was fascinating how effective it is!

Evolution, yo

I’m five feet tall, and the “headrest” on airplane seats hits the top of my head, forcing my neck to an akward and painful angle. If I recline the seat, I can slouch down and avoid this. People aren’t necessarily just being selfish. Or, no more selfish than those who want more leg room.

which they are practically required to do.

nah. I remember"playing dead" when I was really small. But I was actually playing.

um, wrong? Water absolute hydrated you, and most bars don’t carry sports drinks. Water is available and effective. How on earth did people stay hydrated before Gatorade? It’s a mystery!

no... 25%. Diluted twice

go take some of the implicit bias tests. It might shock you. It’s hard to link with my phone, so google it. We all absorb our culture.

one of the more fascinating and infuriating things about humans is our ability to believe our own bullshit. I wonder how much if her confabulated bullshit she believes?

“I was born a poor black child."


what happened with the annulment after two days? My imagination is making it into something terrible and shocking, so will you please expand on that? I immediately imagined a lady in a wedding dress, kneeling down and covered in blood, gnawing on a rabbit. I’m sure its just something sad, though.

I did the same when my spawn was a baby. I got a stroller for twins that could let down the back seat and used it for groceries and... everything.

you are confusing sex with gender. Also, what about the lots and lots of people who are intersex? What are they in your black-and-white, rigidly dichotomous OPINION about biological sex? You aren’t basing this on science, because if you were you wouldn’t think this way. Dont confuse feeeeeelings with empirical

if she really seems noncommittal or disinterested,don’t push it. Being on the receiving end of that kind of pressure feels really gross.