
YES!!!! Thank you!!!!

The last sentence is disappointing. 

There’s a massive land use issue with Ethanol. It was a poorly thought out idea from that standpoint and it has effects on deforestation and food supply. Like many movements, it was well intended but lacked the required long term/macro view during its formation. The CO2 is only part of the list of problems. We

I grew up in the area and through youth, college life, & work drove the Springfield-Bloomington-Peoria triangle at least a few 100 times and the Springfield-Taylorville-Edwardsville area a handful time and I don’t recall there ever being major dust storm like that. Any idea if there has been some water or drought

Stop subsidizing corn, start subsidizing sugarcane/switchgrass.

When I saw the headline come up on another site, I just guessed it was on I-10 through NM, not in IL.

It’s mind-blowing.

Gunsmith Cats GT500.

The issue is with the way land is used/converted to make corn. This is a broader issue with farming in general, the destruction of rainforests and such to be replaced with corn which isn’t as effective at CO2 scrubbing as say...trees.

Don’t forget that Brazil uses Sugar Cane, which is much easier to turn into ethanol than corn.

Well since Kenada’s bike has already been mentioned (twice, and is the obvious answer), here are a couple more:

Bean Bandit’s Buff (Riding Bean):

I know SUVs aren’t all that popular around here, but Howl’s Moving Castle was pretty sweet.

it’s obviously this:

that Ford endorsed that once-radical idea of a five-day work week, down from the standard six”

This. This is fox body era stuff were 80% of the parts are below $200.

WAY too much jank going on here for 20GRR.  GTFO with this shit - maybe for $7,500 and even thats stretching it.

Pro Tip: Take out the speaker, fill gap with jelly beans.

My prediction:

Let me start by saying I’ve owned several of these in sedan trim. They are fantastic cars that still manage to look and drive modern-ish without diluting the driving experience or muffling too much of that wonderful 5 pot sound. And when maintained, they are pretty reliable and capable of the big 6 figure mileages.

Yes, 5k is the new 2.5k. Hell, 7k might be the new 2.5k.