
The old Colt Vista was the champion when it comes to fitting 3 rows of seats in a compact vehicle:

The more plastic around the wheel arches the less rust you will see underneath.

Reflective surfaces inside a car.

You are under the assumption that people are looking at the road while driving. 

The increasingly ‘pill-box on Normandy’ design language associated with modern cars.

Compounded by a mafia construction contract. 

Republicans are so good at complaining about ineffective govt, taking office, then making it come true.

when conservatives finagle their way into office by lying and half-lying and cause governments to refuse to increase taxes to pay for services and infrastructure.

It was probably bearly Canadian 

I question why they replaced the engine instead of crushing it three years ago. ND for peak Malaise era

Lets see, making batteries had little to no profit margin so we sent it over to China and Korea. They spent years developing a very efficient process to squeeze fractions of a cent out of each battery they sold.

Congress critters are not known for their reading comprehension nor their ability to grok anything more complex than three bullet points on a PowerPoint slide

I just recently spent more than I could have ever imagined on a new Toyota Prius Magnum XL Sienna. Amazing family car, getting 37mpg on the current tank with AWD. It’s already a minivan so I already don’t care what it looks like... 

One only has to look at what Foxconn did to Wisconsin to understand that you don’t trust them for anything. 

This is such a valid point! I waste plenty of time going down the rabbit hole that is r/idiotsincars subreddit and there are so many people who post videos of themselves blowing their horns and racing towards another vehicle that is typically breaking the law or being unsafe and/or inconsiderate and ultimately hitting

Giving workers’ performance bonuses a haircut because (I assume) one of their own got killed — that smacks of victim blaming, not to mention “the floggings will continue until morale improves.”

That’s the natural result of a burgeoning middle class. People suddenly realize they’ve been fed a line of shit with “you’re lucky to have a job peasant so don’t complain” and they start to demand better conditions. If the US wasn't addicted to short term results and spreading democracy letting the middle class expand

Re: The Bruno Sacco era for Mercedes Benz/Mercedes in the 80's- while I agree with this choice, why show the car they used for a taxi to represent that era, when you have all this gloriousness to use instead:

As someone within the Aftermarket Aviation Spares industry... No one greenwashes as badly as we do. OEMs are so far behind on making these aircraft recyclable. The interiors are never recycled in the typical manner. The plastics currently cannot be. Even the ‘latest and greatest’ are worse than ever on the planet.

What I want to know is who the F is buying used airline seats for their office and home? People who have never flown and think it’s cool?