Oh wow, that looks chintzy as hell.
Oh wow, that looks chintzy as hell.
And that is one reason why capitalism is broken: focus on short-term gains (stock buy-backs) versus investment in labor, capital improvements, efficiency, etc. (See our airline industry).
Crazy that Norway isn’t even in the top 10 producers of oil. They only use 12% of their total oil production. Most of the profit goes into a national pension for public spending.
I feel like I dont know Jalops anymore.
id say 60% and whoever said Porsche H50 needs to change their prescription.
Yeah if he’d been just fractionally closer he would have lost the Su27 and likely died. Pilot was told to harass the drone, but pilot was an idiot.
Yeah, I highly, highly doubt contact was intentional
He was probably hoping to dump fuel on it and then light it on fire with the afterburners going full power, ie the F-111 example from above.
Yeah dumping fuel is done to reduce weight if you need to land sooner than expected. Using it like an Oil Slick in Spy Hunter is less common
This manuver took him right into the....
Life is cheap in Russia
90's was also peak Pontiac greatness. Products were getting better and you still got all the cheesy feature advertisements all over the exterior of Pontiac’s.......ABS badges, valve count, cylinder count badges, etc.
But that’s the thing isn’t it, the vitamins in her IVs probably aren’t doing anything, she’s just getting hydrated, or if she’s got low blood pressure the IV she probably feels good because she’s experiencing normal blood pressure briefly (a noted thing in my family of hypotensive women), either way plain saline will…
“It’s really important for me to support my detox.”
Psychotherapy is cool and all, but Doctors Feelgood are so much cheaper.
I start every day by injecting coffee straight into my veins. This avoids the upset stomach. I follow that with an hour of movement. Fortunately, I have a private bathroom.
Does GOOPy know she just described disordered eating?