
Based on the evidence available in this and other sources, Stellantis’ lawyers better put in some work cuz they will lose if they don’t settle.  2 years is not a remotely reasonable fulfillment of their repeated and highly publicized (to generate higher profits) claims about the rarity of this vehicle.  

I saw commercial for the Durango Hellcat that said, “Forget everything you know about performance SUVs!” So I did. And it was a load off my mind.

[In a Mr. Regular voiceover]

My Hellcat is RARE!”

Sounds like Dodge making a Mitch Hedberg joke.

“AI” is now a hype word like “blockchain” was 4-5 years ago, and nobody fully understands either.

International cooperation? No, it doesn’t. Arizona already does not change its time. People already deal with differences in times short distances from where they live with time zones already.

Fall forward, and spring forward-er is what I say!

It’s just because some bigwig invested in this tech or is all hyped up about it for some reason. They’ll forget all about it once they realize it’s not going to make them enough money. 

A diagnostic light appearing on the dashboard was used as an example. The GM bot could tell you why the light appeared, if the warning is urgent enough to pull over immediately,”

I get a feeling everyone is jumping all in with this thing without totally understanding. It feels like the early days of the internet when it too was all hot and new and everyone and their mother was giddy to find something- ANYTHING to do with it just because.

I wouldn’t say terrible car, however; the early Volvo XC90 had a Yamaha V8 that eventually found its way into race cars, boats, and the S80 sedan.

you are correct. I believe the first couple iterations had no active handling. i remember an autobody shop back in the day telling me they literally got one a week, wrapped around a tree.

This guy knows what he spica of and is saving a a potentially iniezione-nt buyer from a costly mistake.

At 4,500 it would be easy to walk away from. There are too many doubtful clues and red flags, and even if it were perfect, it’s still not a very good ride, and never was. No dice vote here.

My yard:

This is the perfect encapsulation of ‘libertarian thought’: Our whole motto is ‘free choice’ but the second it impedes my ability to dictate what you do, it’s gotta be stopped!

The very concept of road tripping was invented by Bertha Benz. Arguably, the first automobile that her husband built would not have existed without her financial investment in the venture too. 

Race Drivin’. It was the follow up to Hard Drivin, and they were both awesome! Gated shifters, three pedals, force feedback on the steering.... 

Sorry, but I don’t think our entire landscape should be littered with bollards.

If you watch the video closely, you can see that there is a bollard in between the 2 bollards left standing at the end. The SUV just knocked over the one in the middle (taking out its radiator in the process).