
@parigote: OMG, it is soo hard to give up diet soda. So much harder than regular. Cos you can just go, 'hey, but it's DIET...'

@TheVeganChick: Guh. I don't have a mom, but I have a STEPmom. She's never once said she's proud of me and I'm always bowled over when she says nice things about me in front of me to her friends. It's kinda weird.

@archaeo_girl: I've got no idea why it's trapped. It just feels like stubborn water after a long session of laps.

@OutofShell: I'm not sure I know what I mean either, LOL. Inasmuch as it just feels like there's a bunch of water in there that won't come out for whatever reason. But I might try your suggestion! It sounds rather relaxing, actually, in an odd kind of way.

@thebootyfaerie: I want a margarita! And boo to herniations! My partner has one and it hurts her like you wouldn't believe. Are they doing anything for yours?

@ZioZio: An amazing bug on an amazing flower. Are you in SoCal?

@newmakcity: Glassblowing guys are supposed to be hot. Back in the day, though, they were hemp-necklace-wearing hippies, to warn ya (unless you dig 'em).

@I am calm, but thanks: What are they advertising? Tell me they're going to start selling cookies like friggin girl scouts.

Arg, arg, arg. I've had an ear infection for the past week and cannot for the life of me get the antibiotics out of my ear. I know, gross, right? But help, puhleez, oh wise Jezebellians! I am miserable and taking suggestions one and all!

@HighSchoolFearleader: 1st gen FTW. Who are these new (well, now not so new) kids?! I miss Tony and Jal and Chris and Sid.

@GirlAnachronism: Who else is going to do Cassie's little 'wow' other than Hanna Murray?!?! Or say 'nips' like Tony??

I loooooved the first two seasons... Didn't see the rest because I knew I would just miss the first cast soooo effin much.

@agentwasabi: Bedbugs and breakups suck major ass, esp. when they happen in the same year!! Fuck 2010, man. And effing burn those PJs because dude, it will make you feel better.

@Oooh Shiny Objects: Seriously, anything is better than what you just mentioned, root canals included. Hope 2011 showers you with love, health, and wealth. Fo' serious.

@stellalukin: WOW. I thought once you were outta Applecare, they sent you down a creek! But maybe that was just the kinda wack Apple "retailer"/repair place I went to in California...

@50 Foot Queenie: I second (third?) Thora Birch, who is just badass. Haircut FTW.

@RunningCori: That really does suck. Esp. the cat part. I mean, so does the husband part (tho I AM assuming breakup) but cats, man... THAT gets ya.

2010: No job, partner sick. Fought with aunt, fought with dad, fought with entire dad's side of family. Lost several friendships and one relationship with niece on partner's side. Became (increasingly) mistrustful. Partner still sick at end of 2010.