@paddlepickle: Dude, I've heard about this place. Is it crowded as bajeebus and hard to get into or is it all right and you just pay your sixty bux and go in?
@AngryFork: I agree, to a certain extent, because I was written about as a child (not about anything in particular, just about my kid-ness) and have to deal with people who think they know me just b/c they've read about my childhood...
@132zed: An interesting perspective. While I don't agree fully with everything you're saying, here, I think it's good to push gender boundaries. Women are not exempt from bad behavior like flashing and whatnot, I agree. But that doesn't mean that someone rubbing or flashing on a train isn't a threatening sexual…
@DuckyBelkins: Yikes. My ex was just a biotch. I can't imagine her being a sociopath on top of that... Sorry you had to go through 7 years of what must have been hell on earth!!
@desperatehours: Not at ALL. Though I hear it's hard to diagnose in kids...
@holeyroller: Um, yeah. I can't stress number three enough. Anyone who disagrees has to have certifiably, notarized and everything, the worst opinion of Hot in the world.
@Gretchen: You bottle-fed kiiiities? JEALOUS. Mine was weaned a little early and likes to knead and try to suck on my nose... IT HURTS.
@HarpMadness: Cottage cheese is fattening? Strange, since it is standard diner fare for the "diet" section. But I'm not so well verse in this perversion of dairy....
@Lindsay Fünke is Lindsay Funke in disguise.: Oh oh, check out Blake Hazard of The Submarines, then. She rocks the vintage dress + cowboy boots + Heidi braids + BADASS, TICTAC GREEN STRAT!!
@Lindsay Fünke is Lindsay Funke in disguise.: :) who else is on your sexylist?
@Lindsay Fünke is Lindsay Funke in disguise.: It is never, ever, ever, ever, ever too early for another sexypplthread...
The following questions and ponderings are bumbling around in my head tonight, so I thought I'd share.
Hey Jezzies and Jezdudes,
@peashooter: In that pic, he looks like George Clooney mixed with John Stamos. Weird!
@dyskrasiaeychi: The Good Wife, The Good Wife, The Good Wife! Smart, at times funny, and snappily written.
@mahmahmahpokerface: I like straight sex scenes m'self, and I'm a big ol gaymo gal. I see your hurray and raise you one more for non-homonormative behavior! ;)
How to date an upper-crusty old rich white lady:
How to date a black dude:
@Donovanesque: Agreed. Sketchtastic. "Due to the volume of unsolicited material" my ass.