
I had Barbies for about five minutes but played with these lil fully pose-able dolls for years. They used to come from Hearthsong but I can't find 'em anywhere but on weird referrer sites now...

@paddlepickle: Dude, I've heard about this place. Is it crowded as bajeebus and hard to get into or is it all right and you just pay your sixty bux and go in?

@AngryFork: I agree, to a certain extent, because I was written about as a child (not about anything in particular, just about my kid-ness) and have to deal with people who think they know me just b/c they've read about my childhood...

@132zed: An interesting perspective. While I don't agree fully with everything you're saying, here, I think it's good to push gender boundaries. Women are not exempt from bad behavior like flashing and whatnot, I agree. But that doesn't mean that someone rubbing or flashing on a train isn't a threatening sexual

@DuckyBelkins: Yikes. My ex was just a biotch. I can't imagine her being a sociopath on top of that... Sorry you had to go through 7 years of what must have been hell on earth!!

@desperatehours: Not at ALL. Though I hear it's hard to diagnose in kids...

@holeyroller: Um, yeah. I can't stress number three enough. Anyone who disagrees has to have certifiably, notarized and everything, the worst opinion of Hot in the world.

@Gretchen: You bottle-fed kiiiities? JEALOUS. Mine was weaned a little early and likes to knead and try to suck on my nose... IT HURTS.

@HarpMadness: Cottage cheese is fattening? Strange, since it is standard diner fare for the "diet" section. But I'm not so well verse in this perversion of dairy....

The following questions and ponderings are bumbling around in my head tonight, so I thought I'd share.

Hey Jezzies and Jezdudes,

@peashooter: In that pic, he looks like George Clooney mixed with John Stamos. Weird!

@dyskrasiaeychi: The Good Wife, The Good Wife, The Good Wife! Smart, at times funny, and snappily written.

@mahmahmahpokerface: I like straight sex scenes m'self, and I'm a big ol gaymo gal. I see your hurray and raise you one more for non-homonormative behavior! ;)

How to date an upper-crusty old rich white lady:

How to date a black dude:

@Donovanesque: Agreed. Sketchtastic. "Due to the volume of unsolicited material" my ass.