
I have to say, right off the bat: SUCKS TO BE THAT GUY IN THE PICTURE. I'm sure it's just some stock footage of a dude holding one of those placards, expecting to have his shots used in cheesy Wild Wild West ads... They didn't even blur out his face! If I were him, I'd be sad...

@L-dizzle: I feel you, dude. But I think it'll get better. I mean, if it did for me, it will for you. Seriously. And you know how they say it happens when you least expect it/aren't looking for it? It kinda does.

@marciax3: Seriously I am laughing like a lunatic and it's 6am.

Lisbeth Salander wannabes? (Hair reference)

This is one righteous little fangirl!

@moonbunnychan1: I agree. But I gotta say, the Katie support is pretty rad!

@drunkexpatwriter: No, no, I was saying I agree with YOU, that being asexual is probs the hardest of all because it is universally the least understood/socially accepted.

@carolina-god: I agree. In my experience, women do the most damage.

@BytheSea: THANK YOU. Women are effin nuts. Except for my partner. She's good-nuts!

@Hobbes: I feel you. Within the lesbian community, I often wish for others with my viewpoint on/expression of/experience with gender just so I don't feel so bloody alone. :/

@LittleEdie: I would go straight just to wear that tee for a day.