
@Juventina: Noooo, ugh, I don't think so. Until I met my partner, all my girlfriends (and "girlfriends") were nuts/jerks/selfish/underhanded. But maybe that's MY problem...

EDIT: It won't let me post a reply directly... Dammit.

@Nimnyn: I've always been kind of suspicious of Joyful Heart. I mean... Dolphins? Why not, I don't know, domestic therapy animals like cats and dogs? Or, better yet, why not put all those resources and $$ to more tried-and-true therapies that will help a wider net of people. I don't even know how a survivor would hook

@chritter is a nocturnal feminist mancatfish: Thanks! I'm afraid it's not shaping up to be such a happy Saturday after all, though. I'm waiting for the ambulance to get here. My partner's got terrible pain in her chronically bad-of-unknown-origin hip. It sucks. Grrowf.

Howdy, Jez! Haven't been here in a while... Miss you lot!

@tewkesbury: That's a good point. I do wish the billboard had more irony than assholery. I guess it's kinda sad that I'm a little happy about it JUST BECAUSE it's nice to see an atheist POV livin' large somewhere, somehow...

@bobella is owltastic!: Yeah, basically. And it's also supposedly targeting closeted non-believers anyway. I don't know. I figure all's fair in billboards and war...

I don't know. All I can tell you is this: I get annoyed/insulted at all those religious billboards that litter the highways of America, especially anti-gay ones. Sure, this billboard is dickish as well, but A) since when is "behaving like a stereotype" a reason not to do something and B) why not some criticism of the

@brotherjo: Whereabouts? I am dumm and can't find it...

@fatmonalisa: PM'ed back. Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you!

@brotherjo: I, too, would like to see this Crap Email!

@fatmonalisa: In what capacity did you work with her? Curious.

@ObservantUnderachiever: Uhh, I would nottt go off the synthroid. Generally this is no good.

The above picture: Dog or wookie?

@lucyjae: Wait, so the state just took over the town and said 'ok, this is a park now. Everyone out?'

@fridaycat.: Very, very, very well-put. Speaks to the constructs of the industry as a whole without a ton of finger-pointing. Excellent!

@godelsgirl: Fair enough. My hatred for those "dogs" knows very little bounds, though.

I for one applaud Ms. Ronson's dog for killing a Maltese. I hate those lil fuckers!

@slightlyhardup: It's always the ones who spoil (usually with material stuff) that are the most critical. It's like they're softening you up. My aunt does this. Anything I even suggest I might like she wants to give/buy me, but she's the first to knock me down — to my face or, worse, to my partner...