
@REALTALK: Chicken grease? Eewuuuww. Ditch his butt, go to party, rock costume, have great time.

@cand86: Maybe he thinks it's "ironic."

My dad and I would play catch every night before (and after) dinner. We'd also get on a field every chance we could and knock the ball around with friends. I took some licks but it was all good.

@jespree: Yeah, probs cos of all the anti-gravity and stuff. The noose would just float away!

@Moondragon: A Noose is Not Needlework. I like that! Headline or t-shirt slogan?

@Jellybish: I'll join you. We can make it an official poop-in.

Just clicked to read the article. This is the best couple evar. I love the proposal story. So sweet and caring and original and heartfelt. I wish them the best!!

@dgibber: That's awesome! They look so, so very happy and I am grateful to them for being in the Essence article. :)

@twileen: I like this. It's so hard to lose sight of what's going on with loaded topics because of their subject-specific... Loaded-ness. Take it out and replace it with a blue spot can make things oddly clearer.

@nounverbnoun: UGH, PCOS here too! I totally feel ya!

@vesseltosea: "kiss my latin ass." LOVE IT and this post!!

@SorciaMacnasty: I seriously, seriously agree with you here. My father has been concerned about my weight since I was 8 years old, and certainly hasn't been quiet about it. A lot of it is from feelings of guilt because his own eating habits are/were so poor and are getting the best of him. However, his trickery,

Like 90% of TV kisses are gross, IMHO. Too much "passion," (read: fakery) and often tongue/face-mashing pressure. Even though the stereotype that "overweight" people aren't capable of such things (passion/face-mashing/etc) and must kiss sweetly all the time is pretty tired, this kiss is CUTE. Damn you, Maura Whoever.

Oh no! I feel so bad for these poor littles!! They just fall right over and look so confused!! Is there anything anyone can do about the "fainting goat" syndrome? If so, they need to get on that.

@Magic_Hour: Ugh, me too. Why couldn't Mercedes have had the football-loving, hunting-hat-wearing, aw-shucks poppa instead of Kurt (another stereotype for dads of gay boys)?

@PurplelifeheartsMizJenkins: Yeah I also remember this. But maybe he's estranged and not totally absent. He could be a dentist in, I dunno, New Hampshire or something far from Ohio (where Glee is set, yes?).

@ShanaElmsford: Yikes. And I consider Kirsten Dunst to be pretty damn boring herself!

No, Jake, no! You're too cool for this!!!