But won't someone think about the corporations?!?!
But won't someone think about the corporations?!?!
Someone in a dialga raid I did missed a 100% dialga after 12(!) Excellent throws. He said he's done with the game and I don't blame him one bit
Oh okay thank you for clarifying. I wasn't aware the game used the same proprietary rollback code as mvci. If that's the case it really is baffling that a fix for sfv hasn't been implemented
I understand physical players being upset. But something I love about digital card games is not having to argue about rules as the game will simply allow something or won’t.
Okay, odd it didn’t chart at all on PC but the console release is making PC numbers much better too
Man you never know tho. I don’t believe a “MvCI didn’t sell well and SF5 did so I guess they don’t care about rollback after all” kinda decision. It’d be astronomically dumb but if the old netcode is cheaper I can see some producer type making that call
I can answer that a bit. Adding rollback, (i know the code is technically rollback but their own proprietary BS) or at least changing the netcode like that, is a lot harder in a 3D engine than a 2D one. With rollback you need to change how the pixels are rendered, along with sound and a bunch of other stuff.…
I like his pause like he's gotta rev himself up to say it
Im confused? Didn’t this game come out years ago? I remember buying and playing it on PC in 2018 or something.
Well that tracks with the "frat boy" culture that was detailed I suppose. What an awful place
I really, really hope that Guilty Gear’s newfound success and comments like this light a fire under Japanese FG devs’ asses that the community just won’t tolerate the awful netcode they’ve gotten for so long anymore.
Your ability to miss the point is skillful, I’ll give you that.
Meanwhile the entire above article talks about a years long culture that its employees were too afraid to speak up about for fear of losing their jobs. but I guess that’s different for no reason whatsoever.
The asmon guy brings up a very difficult point. I believe he said he won’t be returning to wow? But he’s built such an audience and his ff14 streams showed that he doesn’t need wow to keep his career going.
The amount of candor in that letter was surprising and tbh refreshing.
Meh, 30 minutes is still a long time, and this is temporary with an unexpected surge of players so I’d rather some kinda quick bandaid was shipped so that people can play while a better one is made
Sorry bad sentence structure. I mean the whole thing white, with a knob
Wish it came in white. I just want a 75% with a knob that's white but that's really hard to find I guess
Dunno what journeys is. Sounds like somethin that doesn’t have bidoof tho.
Please drink a verification can