
Oh my god you’re cringey

Miami Heated Gamer Moment

Minfillia doesn’t do a goddamn thing except be worried about Things

A Realm Reborn is very much decent. Not great but manages to land some blows

I use the uhh. One of the iphone ones since I have an old iphone, ispoofer or ipogo. Whichever one is still going. I know it's more of a chance to get banned but that's why I made a burner account to trade with. My old galaxy s7 has a locked bootloader so I can’t do the fancy android method.

Maybe if he got rid of that old yeeyee ass haircut he’d got some bitches on his dick and chill out and go after some real issues

I spoof in this game. I have a burner account that exists to trade me and some friends the regionals and a couple pokemon that are so rare they might as well not exist.

I can only imagine what kind of mess the original management and leads created that even the new team had no hope of fixing. Sounds like the new team looked at the situation and said it’d take a miracle without a ground-up redo and Paradox would rather just get it out the door

Looks like nothing has changed since D1 then

KomodoHype we did it boyos

Is this a real photo? Why does he look like he belongs on a dreamcast?

Resident Evil 7 was the best Resident Evil since 4 so I dunno what he’s on about

But I thought a fishing minigame makes any game better automatically

I realized with Black Flag that Assassin’s Creed games are really solid 12 hour games with 40 hours of useless junk sprinkled every 15 minutes or so.

This is business talk for "we are getting ready to shut down our gaming division"

But can you do grunts in the game? They are being vague about grunts

Sure it might not matter to the relationship. But you get tens of thousands of people yelling and stoking things non-stop and it will wear on you. Streaming isn’t even about the games these days, at least not for the big cheeses of the industry. It’s like a reality show that never stops for the audience. The biggest

Sounds like his avoidance with interacting with women stems from the exact fan interactions he’s talking about here.

This seems...too similar to 7. Like I liked 7 a lot I liked the grindhouse feeling.

FF15: Featuring Ardyn from the Devil May Cry series.