honestly the outfit on the right looks way better.
honestly the outfit on the right looks way better.
I have to admit though, the fuller armored female looks more badass..
Look let’s not be hasty. I know there’s going to be several people complain about “Censorship” or “disrespecting the original vision of the artist” or something like that. But you need to understand that’s not the case here. We Consumers voiced our opinions, as is our Free Speech right to do, and the company (like any…
she’s wearing a bikini top...not really getting your outrage boner here.
I eagerly await HUNDREDS of angry commenters raging about censorship, art, and how horrible it is that this was changed, foaming at the mouth at “sex-negative” Sqeenix. What a travesty that their artistic vision was changed! What a world we live in! This is censorship, a violation of the first amendment, and pure,…
Story time!
Sorry, but that's a ridiculous statement and your reasoning is silly.
Um, you'd enjoy Star Wars if the costumes were marginally different? That seems remarkably stupid.
except the part were Chief left UNSC because he believes he can restore Cortana, but the ONE person who can do that is Halsey (Cortana told you this on Halo 4's 2nd Level) and if you played Spartan Ops, you'd know that a kill order was sent by Commander Palmer for Halsey who in the struggle switched sides with the…
Alright now they've got my interest. I was completely "meh" on the idea of another leading character but the mystery has changed my mind. I look forward to the campaign. Hopefully Multiplayer comes out fun and balanced because I haven't bought or played a game for my XB1 since Titanfall..
I tend to prefer porn where all parties involved look like they're having a good time, but different strokes for different folks I guess.
No, this is a pretty darn important distinction.
"Mod turns Military Sim into Halo", would be a more applicable title.