
@devianaut: Whoa, take a chemistry course buddy.


@Nick2: Toolbox still exists, but it got the Ribbon which is awesome. Also, much less buggy.

In one word, YES. Office for mac 2011 is like night and day compared to the 2008 version. You will NOT regret it.

@Willard Fillmore: Exactly! Getting rid of e-ink was such a bad idea IMHO, plus it makes it more expensive...

Honestly if LCD was what I wanted, I'd get a goddamn iPad. It's being able to read books vs. being able to read books & a whole shitload of other things. Why spend $250 on something that has such limited functionality?

@djdare: Ah yes! I forgot the prepping of the slides. You're probably right, thanks!

@Coreyja: Nope, disassociates into Na+ and Cl-. That's what confuses me about this.

@ithyphallus, 13382: Aqueous, but nice try! Yeah that's what I was wondering, wouldn't the salt not be crystallized anymore...I dunno, all I know is that I've read about 40 abstracts in the last 4 hours and my brain is mush. I have no time to think about soy sauce right now :P

Aren't the cubes in soy just salt?

@jodaboda: With that logic, he should've mentioned the name of the chair, or of the bookcase, or of everything else in the pictures.

Whoa, cmnd + e batman!

My favourite part was when he pointed out the obscure name of the company that made his expensive armchairs. Am I supposed to be impressed or something?

@The Intangible Fancy: Agreed. I could also have an amazing office if I had limitless amounts of money. Spending money and paying a carpenter isn't exactly impressive.

@JeevesofRKdia: You should get a Jez star for this! I didn't even think of it haha

@hvrock13: There's an app for that. TotalFinder, goog it.