
Honestly, I call bullshit. This guy is in the industry, it's his job to make sure that we keep buying this stuff. I've known people who have worked at Campbell's chicken processing factories, and said that after working there they would never touch their chicken (or any processed chicken) again. Hot dogs and all of

@pettiblay: I dunno, I knew who he was...

I love the space. The huge window, the white walls and the hardwood floors. So elegant and airy. This is the reason why I painted my bedroom/workspace white, it's so much more calming than being surrounded by distracting colours. I also love that unconventional materials (steel) were used for the desks; it gives

Wow, it's actually even worse than I thought it was. I suddenly feel like I'm going to throw up.

we think it will make an image and the clothing we're featuring look better or more true to life.

Written like a true 14 year old.

@Non-Engineer: You learn something new every day! I wish I could say I was surprised.

This looks familiar...

@SeraphX2: It has nothing to do with voicing opinions, and it has everything to do with how they're voiced. & people get banned here based on one single comment, so yes, they would be considered trolls.

@SeraphX2: In your OP you weren't agreeing or disagreeing with anyone. You simply posted an inflammatory comment.

@Non-Engineer: Mercedes stereotype? huh? The two big ones I know is drunks and bad drivers...which I hate to say it, but is true for a lot of the population. I guess it bothers me to be lumped into those stereotypes.

@Myklsan: Well I was speaking more in terms of area of residence rather than heritage, but I suppose so.

@Cintax: I'm Canadian born & Polish, he's pushing my buttons too.

@25toLife: Then I'm not sure what you've been reading. I was referring to the comments :P

@*The_Wizard*: Of course not. My point is that the culture is completely different.