
I cannot begin to wrap my head around the beyond fucked up situation we are in. This is going to be a nightmare. The Goebbels wannabe, stephen miller, is already tweeting about quickly implementing parts of 2025- you know- that thing trump had never heard of- in the name of an aggressive denaturalization process. Yes.

Jimmy Kimmel summed it up neatly:

Congress being GOP means that the has a has clearer path on new laws he’d like to pass; Mitch indicated the filibuster isn’t going anywhere, but he’s not going to be Senate Majority leader, so who the fuck knows what happens.

I seem to recall Trumps campaign and spokespeople being pretty clear that under his administration “there will be economic pain” for Americans. I don’t know why some Americans who aren’t rich thought that pain would somehow exclude them; but here we are. Guess we will all find out together if he actually follows throug

Adding a few thousand bucks to the price of two of the best-selling cars in America is surely an easy way to piss off the people that voted for you and your pledge to make America affordable once again.

If nothing else, he has less people that will tell him No

A window blew out, OF COURSE it didn’t pressurize, like no shit Sherlock.

Its uh... definitely not.

I read the headline and I’m like, who’s Kentucky Bill?

He’s the fuckstick that canceled Westworld and Raised By Wolves.

Karate lion is the best lion.

They Road Runner Super Bird...classic.

I’ll make another nomination, just because it tends to be a bit more obscure.

first it was sportswashing, now it’s the car wash.

Seems like somebody gave it their personal tag so should be able to find them for this at least

To steal a phrase, it’s for the same reason a Soviet RBMK reactor used graphite tips on its control rods - it’s cheaper.

Living in a rural area, and it being late October, I would hardly call a deer in the road an edge case. I’ve probably seen as many of them driving this week as I have red lights.

This fits into my “If a Thing is what you want, this is probable a good one to grab” philosophy. I mean, it’s pretty darn nice for what it is and you’d be hard pressed to find another or restore one to this standard for $12K. I suppose it’d be a fun runaround car if you lived in a resort town or had a house on the

Definitely, especially if you hit a patch of wet leaves and you are not wearing a helmet.

Hot Tub Limo. Cool fall air, nice hot water, someone else doing the driving.