
Assuming he had flaps down during final approach (if he didn’t, that was the cause right there) he should have backed off a couple of notches to optimize lift vs drag, rather than retracting completely. I was a long time glider and small plane pilot, my best nearly missed landing story:

Good eye. Retracting the flaps too soon would cause settling from the loss of lift. 

I’d vote for a turnip if it meant preventing Trump’s return to power, but not everyone feels the way I do.

The seal needs to be the new de-facto laughing meme.

Username checks out.

I build them for people for fun, and even I wouldn’t wanna take them in rainy weather. Road grime getting back on the neck and running down the back gets really old really fast. And that’s with full gear on.

Have you done that on the bobber or short-tailed cafe, or even some tail-tidy. You get so much spray on your back/neck/helmet that you’d have a second thought after 5 minutes.

For a fair weather poser only. Don’t take me wrong, I like it, but if you really want to ride it, bobbers are not great at all.

Yes. My 2023 Subaru Crosstrek “barks” at me if I veer out of my lane.

I mean, it’s a Vought facility right? I don’t see why someone at the company wouldn’t quickly investigate either the security breach or just the fact that they’ve stopped responding.

It honestly blows my mind that BMX Bandits, of all things, made it into Cold War-era Hungary and developed a cult following. I honestly thought you were taking the piss at first.

I care about Frenchie’s subplot in the sense that I hate it with the heat of a thousand suns.

Wait...are you serious? BMX Bandits really did that? It got released there?

Benjamin Hylander

Now that's a real story about a loner. A rebel. 

With a rake?  You been listening to that orange idiot too much. 

This is actually pretty cool when you think about it. It’s gov’t in action instead of just throwing money at something, it’ll help get young people involved in something they care passionately about which they can grow a career from, and it’ll benefit the country by making us more efficient and sustainable.
I’ll take

Now that’s a bike.

Needs a better title, too.

Like this bike movie could ever hope to dethrone the GOAT: