Come on Superlotto!
Come on Superlotto!
Its always more fun driving a slow car fast, than a fast car slow.
Pfffht, it has nothing on my IBM PPC, I played wings of fury, flight simulator 1.0, prince of persia on this thing. 8 Mghz CPU, 2x5.1/4 floppy drives...
Cars from China. Here are a couple:
Back in the day when I was working in towing, our company had one, a GD flatbed, many newer trucks were also in the fleet, many other trucks were purchased and sold, but this Hino stayed, it was my favorite too.
The one you make it for just before shit yourself after that fine Mexican meal...
They have huge "saddle" tanks on the subframe.
Even 3527 kg is too light for that truck.
I wonder who said it first?
What are you talking about, SoCal has lot of great "rural 2-lanes", which are visited by car and motorcycle enthusiasts often, on the other hand I'm glad you don't know about them.
Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude...
The full logo does have the countries listed next to the image, this year, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile (in 2012 it was Argentina, Chile, Peru, in 2010 they listed Argentina and Chile).
Correct here are some screens from GT6 I took, blurry background, sharp car, blurry wheels:
On the last supermoto I built, the speedo cable had to be disconnected due to the new front hub, for a while I just rode with my phone's GPS speedo in my tankbag's pocket. This was not ideal at all, since on the weekend I did not ride with the tankbag.
This was excellent! Thanks for sharing it!
.jif vs .gif lol
One of my favorite (71 pontiac trans am):
Well other than running from the cops, and not wearing proper gear, nothing is wrong here, he is just preventing front tire wear, prudent.
Great run, still only got Silver in Gran Turismo 6 license test...