
Holy crap, the extent to which this site hates DC movies is laughable. Never heard of this place until now. AV Club is a shit show. lol

It's got a 70+% moviegoer approval rating on RT and a B Cinemascore. Most people loved/liked it. Film snobs and hate train lovers are the ones droning on about how much they dislike it. The fans, like me, who've actually read the source material the movie was based on, loved it.

*shakes head*

YES. That was eerie as hell. If they end up doing a prequel, I want The Batman to essentially be a horror movie where the hero(Bruce Wayne) is a monster.

And a Dr. Who fan knocking BvS? Really? REALLY? >_>

Yeah! It's only made $700million in two weeks! I must be the only one who liked it, ya fucking AV club hipsters! :D

Loved BvS. Can't wait to see Flash and Cyborg together. Maybe at some point there will be a Metal Men movie and Cyborg can co-star.

After being a PC gamer since the 90s I got my kids a PS3 and 360 about 6-7 years ago. The difference in performance was stark and instantly noticeable. I couldn't even enjoy games on them. Well, except for Bayonetta, which was the only game I finished on either platform. But the presentation was HORRIBLE. All I could

People laughed when Wick's dog was killed?! The fuck?!

70 uninformed doofuses upvoted you. Classic.