
I really, really, really hope that Michael is right. And I really, really, really wish that we could trust police unions. And if Michael is right (I lived in Seattle when the Seahawks won the Super Bowl and everything suggests he is an absolutely wonderful citizen) then this should really undermine any remnant of a

Cops should not be allowed to joke like that. Honestly. I’m not sure how you’d enforce it, but if I can’t joke to airport security then there must be a way to hold cops accountable for this. And I’m not quite giving him the benefit of the doubt that it WAS a joke.

Amazing. <3 you, V&S!!! Congratulations all around!

Bullshit. This makes me think you either grew up in a mostly-white community or mostly-black community. Sorry, Michael. Usually you get it right. But this is a common synthesized culture that many are oblivious to. In this era of relative school desegregation (emphasis on relative), commercially-promoted contagious