
She’s just so fucking smug and self-righteous though. And while I don’t think she had a lot of sway, whatever influence she did have, she used to help Trump. So fuck her.

Sure, but Sarandon was part of a broader movement among the left that muddied the waters and helped turn Hillary into the “lesser of two evils.”

She’s a decent enough stand in for the class of liberals who were motivated less by wanting to accomplish anything in particular this election, and more about the abstract idea of revolution and/or a singular visceral hatred of Hillary Clinton.

You know, I can’t think of a single time in my life when being told to “Get over it” actually made, or even helped, me get over something. So, no, I’m not going to get over it and expect the best of everyone just because I’m told to. Show me some good and we can talk.

This point is just about the reddest herring.

But she’s on the list. She’s a smug, rich, insulated idiot who imagines herself to be a great political philosopher of the left. Nothing in her privileged and graceful life has ever exposed her to real risk or hardship. I’m sure she can endure a few tweets from Debra Messing.

I actually didn’t demand anything from anybody. It’s everyone else that thinks they had the right to demand something of me.

Bernie had the exact same positions as Hillary, except without any common sense or experience. America elected Trump because America is racist and sexist, not because Hillary wasn’t a great candidate. She was a great candidate.

I’m sure that for all the people who will suffer for the next four to eight years, it will be a comfort to them to know they greased the skids to our rock bottom and, just maybe, the revolution most suited to your convenience and taste. Hillary wasn’t perfect by a long mile, but she also won her primary (I voted for

A lady who actually won the popular vote, which is the only thing that should matter. Who probably had ideas on a competent cabinet of people who actually know the jobs that they would have done. The same woman who would probably not only have every position already figured out but would be constantly preparing for

But I’m so glad we didn’t elect a lady who doesn’t know how to email well.