
I thought you meant Jennifer Jason Leigh and Tim Roth were married! I rushed to look it up!

Great interview, but he literally had nothing to say about Twin Peaks… bit of a misleading title for the article.

I honestly think it's just about to a point where even if there was nothing left to nitpick about the CG, it's like "I know that guy's not alive, so this is just distracting."

What you wrote about this film really resonates with how I took it in, too. The pacing is definitely slow, but there's absolutely action in all of these shots. Almost feeling "safe" from jump scares and cheap tricks, my eyes wandered all around his frames, and found a lot of interesting things to ponder. It's not

I absolutely LOVE this album.

Somewhere Else was a pleasant surprise. It's kind of a guilty pleasure, I guess. Half of the lyrics feel like visceral, unflinching truth punches and the other half are kind of cheesey and repetitive. Damn memorable though and I can't help but sing along with her. I didn't know this was coming out, checking it out

DAE find 2-paragraph album reviews incredibly unsatisfying?

This album is surprisingly great.

I first noticed these guys a couple years back when a friend sent me one of their videos. At the time, I had no idea it was a daily (weekdays, at least) show. I don't know what I thought of it at the time, but it didn't "catch" for whatever reason.

I friggin' love Zelda 2 also. To me, it really is one of the best representations of Hyrule, with tons of diversity in its landscape. There's really quite a bit to mastering the sword-and-shield play and the huge range of enemies often require different strategies. The towns may be a bit samey, but all worth

ME TOO! I want Roam!

I adore this comic, and I appreciate reading your thoughts on it. The ending is striking, unforgettable, burned in my memory since I was a kid. And whether you think it did the ending better than lttp or not, I think we can all agree few zelda stories since have reached the heights shown here. The emotional impact

I dug it. I loved Birdman, and I don't think this is as good as that was. It lacks the ambiguity, the snappy and funny dialog, and oh my, the relentless drums. But it's a gorgeous film in its own right. I don't know HOW they got those shots. The lighting is aMAZING. It's a true visual feast.

I dug it. I loved Birdman, and I don't think this is as good as that was. It lacks the ambiguity, the snappy and funny dialog, and oh my, the relentless drums. But it's a gorgeous film in its own right. I don't know HOW they got those shots. The lighting is aMAZING. It's a true visual feast.

It's absolutely dumb in the same style as the 90s Sandler movies, at least to my dim recollection. I wouldn't watch it alone or with most of my friend groups, but I did have a great time watching it with my dad. It's a movie for dads. Anything I can bond with him over is value in my book. It's not amazing, but

"Angela doesn’t want the whole world; she just wants their half." Nice They Might Be Giants reference! (I think.)

Nice timing on the credit editor's part, I thought. The implication being "This one's all Capaldi," and boy, does it deliver. (Except as Alasdair notes, obviously it's not just about Capaldi.)

It kind of sucks, but I feel like I have to completely avoid reading ANYTHING about Doctor Who on the internet until the season is entirely over.

I LOVED that synthesizer-style music when the Doctor was analyzing Clara's portrait. More of that, please.

My friend used to be a supervisor for a much more boring call center and he's thinking about getting back in the call center game. This article gave me some fun stuff to mention in conversation with him tonight. Rad and intriguing, thanks Annie!