Best I could do on short notice....
Best I could do on short notice....
dammit paradox, you just came out with stellaris and now Hearts of Iron IV is coming. Some of us want to see our families again ! But i guess there is a world/universe to conquer, stuff like families come later.
Lockheed Martin, a defense contractor worth billions and billions of dollars thanks to its work making war machines,…
Isn't there a link in there? No worries, the super Hornet was built with a design flaw that resulted in its stores pylons needing to be canted out a few degrees. This makes them a bit cockeyed to the airstream, increasing their frontal cross section, thus inducing drag. When you have every weapons station full on the…
This is not the case, we have discussed this video on FA before. This man is talking about the Sukhoi's 3D TV and post stall environment. Each situation is different, and the Sukhoi 30 MKI does not have the low radar signature or sensor fusion of the F-22. If a F-22 ends up merging with a single aggressor F-16 or…
My dad died in a car accident on august 27 2009. I honestly don't remember anything that happened the rest of that year. The only thing that I have is a journal entry on my deviantart page that I made telling my followers that my father had passed away that day.
This was a mini weird Japanese games golden age for me. While us folks in Europe could complain about not getting the latest JRPGs... we got a load of cheap weird games like Demolition Girl, Pink Pong (it's ping pong with D3 girls and crazy special moves... and a really memorably awful title), Global Defense Force,…
Yep, no Stovl and pure clean sheet we could have had a supercrusing, super maneuverable medium fighter etc. I did a big writeup on my old site, will adapt it to here soon, maybe the end of the week.
If you were to look up "What the fuck?!" in an encyclopedia, it would say, "See: Valkyria Chronicles on PC." Seriously, what's up with this? Was there demand? Was there an underutilized team that had this thrown their direction? What prompted this? I'll buy it, regardless of why it was created.
A better analogy than an island being discovered off Hawaii (BigNSlow's response) would be a new island being discovered off the Spratly islands. The Spratly's are disputed territory. Truth is, much of the area you are discussing is also disputed. Franz Joseph Land was claimed by Norway; they are currently Russian…
no. rarely (not even that much) done.
The problem doesn't lie in procurement in general so much as it lies specifically in the way the military, and the US government as a whole, procures things. Governments and bureaucracies will spend a dollar to save a dime and things are often done more for appearances sake than actually trying to do something.
Full disclosure: I worked for an agency that administered the program in my state. There is far more to the story than is being reported (like usual).
I like to jokingly say all manner of mean things about my cat, but in all honesty, there's always that one moment when I'm feeling down, where out of the blue it's like he just knows. He'll come up to me, climb all over me, rub all over me, and for that moment, no matter what's going through my head, I always feel…
Following last week's List of 7 Obscure RPGs I Wish Had Sequels, there were so many incredible suggestions from Kot…
I didn't play Final Fantasy IX until about 2003. In fact, I'd barely played any RPGs. I never had a Super Nintendo or a PlayStation, but my best friend let me borrow his tiny PSone for an entire summer because he had a PlayStation 2 that did the job. He handed me the system, and a stack of SquareSoft games, and that…
Showed this article to my pops, he able to identify about 3 of them that he's seen and/or worked on during his service. 80070 and 078 (back when 070 was a R model before it became a trainer, his colonel belonged to that plane) at Alconbury around '86-'88, and 067 at Beale '88. He pines over tail number 1098, he was…