
In humble addition to what @lurklurklurk has to assert (and which i pretty much wholely concur) here’s one thing to try to hold in our actually intelligent brains: neural networks are reduce-able to statistics. Specifically: Markov chains. So next time someone industry-buzz-words you: “A.I.” with: ‘deep learning’,

Bud, I appreciate the attempt, but this article is not a great summary of machine and deep learning.

Not only that, they did the exact same thing in vans on Top Gear over a decade ago.

Are you trolling us because that’s a Grand Tour episode.

Five is right out!

Why Did Tyrrell Put Six Wheels On Their Formula One Car?

Turn "Display Images" back on!

I’m sorry I nagged you guys to hire a proofreader.

Hey, it’s you. Good luck and be safe up there bud. Hopefully it doesn’t snow/hail (snail?) like last year.

How do you think I practiced for this...

These things have rear weight bias. Careful getting into a corner too hot, or you might turn the Beat around.

This is where we are in the world today  . . . move an event to the Arabian Peninsula because it’s the most politically stable option.  

No civil war, true. But the animals are out there to kill you... 


It’s all very American storytelling. I wrote a lengthy post about this in the past: it’s an American story told through and anime lens. All of the characterizations, the arc structure, and the usage of multiple seemingly-filler episodes is meant to give you understanding of the characters current motives and who they

A lot of people forget that Doctor Who was originally intended to be an educational show and they were told to avoid bug-eyed monsters. Overall, at least they kept to part of that concept.

I kinda wondered if we wouldn’t find out where the Bad Guy (with Captain Jack’s time machine wrist band) ended up. I thought he might have wound up tens of thousands of years ago in an African diaspora. (“Surprise! They’re your ancestors!”)

OK so tonight they did probably the best historical episode of Doctor Who ever. Any doubts I had about Doctor Who this series are completely gone! They did almost everything perfectly. They captured the look and feel of the era amazingly well. Though mentioning the Vortex manipulator does seem like a call back to some