
The map says texting and driving is illegal in Texas. Not true. (Although there are ordinances in most of the big cities against it)

I would prefer to use a wheel, but I don’t have the desk space for it— it’s covered in music gear. :D

I just tried using the left touchpad for steering in Dirt Rally, and it was a pretty abysmal experience. It just didn’t work for me at all. I didn’t have any confidence or precision with it. But with thousands of hours

Don’t say that. There are many, many amazing men artists who don’t feel the need to turn every comic book woman into a pin up. Check out Cliff Chiang’s run for Wonder Woman. Or Chris Samnee’s work. He is doing the upcoming run for Black Widow.

With the new screen-click-zone feature they added last night, you could probably have streamed your display (or a region of it) to the controller and touch it. be awesome for mobas with mini-maps

Actually that’s why I remapped it, as a dpad with touch activation rather than click and haptic turned up it is a really excellent and sensitive dpad which is brilliant for things like SMB. The joystick also works but has a slight delay on it in comparison.

Gonna disagree with Mechavolt, I’ve found the Steam Controller better in pretty much any game designed around a pad, except games that call for a traditional d-pad.

First, cut off the condescension at the end

Sweet! That always made me wonder how it selects which dart to fire.

Its not targeting competitive gaming though. Its targeted towards casual couch surfing.

I would rather promote directors of talent than of color. And talent is colorblind.

I’m with you on talent being colorblind. And I generally don’t know a writer/producer/director’s race or gender...

Now playing

I see your Michael and raise you a Double Life:

Well, submissive in the sack can be a turn-on but submissive behavior outside among the rest of the world can be a definite turn-off.

They want to kill every Windows OS that isn’t Windows 10 in an attempt to create vendor lock-in (gotta go through their marketplace to “legitimately” install something, and they’ll get a cut of each sale for sure) and to push for more people to buy/use Windows phones.

# 2 : yes , yes and re-yes !!!

Can we please just stop giving press to this shite. Both sides of ‘Gamergate’ are just as bad as each other with both sides just throwing out the same generic arguments at each other at the rarer of times but mostly just insult each other.

Sounds like you’re on the right path then. I wouldn’t expect anyone to eat perfectly, never indulge, or eat bad-tasting food purely for the nutrition. I sure don’t!

Jehuty and Anubis cosplay?! :D

I’m great at this game. Want to know a great tip?

I always brushed properly. But I never in my life was complimented by a dental hygienist about my dental hygiene until I started using an electric toothbrush for the full two minutes.