
It absolutely blows my mind that people have an opinion like yours. There is NO logical reason to remove voice chat from a game. Period. It’s simple logic: You give the player an easy option to completely turn it off and mute specific players, and boom you satisfy both types of gamers. Why is this ridiculously simple

“Remove it from the equation, and the only thing stopping anyone from hating you is getting to know you first.”

Good eye! Its based on a futuristic 1911 with walther aesthetics!

But why do they put the same pin on the bag like 10 times? I could see them using a bunch of different pins from the same anime or something, but it’s just the same 3 pins, all over the bag.

I thought they were going to be painfully embarrassing because the first picture shows the girls sort of hiding their faces, as though they were ashamed of being photographed like that.

Fair Use is actually an extremely broad law. A Lets Play of a game does not, for instance, actually allow the viewer to play the game. If you want to have the experience of playing the game you still need to play it. On the other hand the only content of a movie is the movie itself, so MST3K would have had a much

SWEET! finally, season 2!!!

So that he can rectify the no-arms problem?

It says it right in the lede!

Sweet, glad to see the website is working. I got the email this morning as well, but when I went to the site it asked for a username and login. I’ll take the $25 PSN credit, as I own at least 2 games in each bundle already.

Yeah dude, it’s 100% cool to run people over on sidewalks in GTA V and commit indiscriminate acts of murder or theft in virtually every other game, but the moment someone says something bad about the current “protected” groups (women, gays, trans, Islam) people fly off the handle about how disadvantaged these groups

Just like you have to twist it to arrive at the conclusion that it’s a trans person. Why can’t it be a gay man with long hair? Why can’t it be a straight man and both were really drunk? And why can’t you take the person who wrote it by his word when he says that it was misread?

Except the part where it has nothing to do with a transgendered person at all.

alright, lets go down the list:

Would like to see feature comparison with PushBullet. I assume the “direct transfer” for computers close to each other uses Bluetooth when available, yes?

Honest to god i thought it was kind of funny.

That's kind of the idea behind the site. As mentioned, the "sell by" and "best by" dates are pretty misleading, which, yes, leads us to waste so much food each year. The site tells you when food is actually likely to start to spoil.

I think the PS4 has been selling just fine prior to this game.

Because that's how people talk these days, adults included. They're writing blog posts about video games, they're not trying to win a Pulitzer Prize.