
These are some of the biggest cliches heard in business meetings.

I see them in tech articles, in narrations for documentaries, in lectures, in online interviews. They are much in force. : )

The good news is that at the end of the day you and the machine share things in common.

I hope it swoops down on such things as "share things in common", "the good news is", "at the end of the day", and recommends their annihilation. : )

It wasn't a joke ABOUT rape. They were trying to think of the worst possible thing that could happen to these people when you leave them behind because you're done with your quest. They were saying rape is one the WORST things. That said, they handled all the blow back pretty terribly.

That doesn't surprise me at all. We're culturally conditioned to think that men are always down to fuck but women can be not in the mood for a million different reasons. So when a guy gets turned down for sex by his GF, he just chalks it up to "women, what can ya do." But when the reverse happens it seems very

The current narrative in American society is that men always want sex all the time. If your in a relationship that defies this narrative, it can cause a woman to feel insecure and think her boyfriend isn't attracted to her personally or has a libido problem. On the flip side, there is an idea that women don't really

I'm very sorry but would you mind tell me more about that? I still cannot understand why over-performance will get someone fired.

"I still prefer Nintendo, the game-first, business-second[...]"

I think it's similar in the fetishization, but different in the expected outcome. At least in my experience, so this could obviously be totally wrong.

There's an entire hemisphere that currently has summer months instead of winter months this time of year. ;)

Some winters watermelons are in season all year long in deep south Texas. There's a lot of soil testing involved to keep the nutrient balance right for the plants.

Take a squint at the Home Handyman magazine. About every 2 years, they have a big article on how to build some kind of outbuilding. Even if you're going to buy prefab, it's useful reading because they go into things like ground prep and footings.

Now it just sounds like your average real life pop singer.

I think the games that make up the bulk of the sales are just the ones that I don't play. Call of Duty and the like, they aren't my kind of thing. In the close to a year since I bought the PS4, I have bought and played 3 games. I bought more PC games than that in October.

Yeah, the PS4 has had some amazing sales numbers... especially for a system with so few games worth playing that are also exclusive to it.

Rejection is rejection. It hurts, it sucks, but it's one moment. What you do in response - including agreeing to a friendship rather than going your separate ways - is on you.

The thing is Valve already was the cut off. This led to complaints about them being too selective. Hence, Greenlight.

No no no,