
That’s fine, though I didn’t mention Steam at all. This is already a bad start for your comment, but I’ll continue anyway.

I always thought that most Arduino boards were incredibly expensive for what they could do. The Teensy LC board is tiny, plenty capable, and cheap. The Pi Zero also looks like it would provide better capability/cost ratio.

Price tag does matter to me, as I will purchase something as long as that price is lower than average for something of acceptable quality in its category and is something I am seeking.

He’s the reason they go back to the citadel. He has input on the plot. As for story, he has is own story that parallels the one about Furiosa which is tied to the one about the girls. In this sense is he superfluous: he has an insulated, separate story that is being told.

You made a complaint without evidence to back you up, as well.

I could as easily condense something you think cannot be into the same amount of words or less and claim nothing is left out, too. I think what people really mean by “you can reduce anyting!” is “anyone can be reductive!” And, as such, not big on understanding storytelling.

But it has cutout characters and a paper-thin plot!

A robot, a boy, and a woman save the future from a nuclear apocalypse. Does this mean Terminator 2 also has no compelling story?

It doesn’t remove “the viewer.” It removes you, specifically. And anyone else who claims the same, specifically. You stated something as fact. I’m not saying to preface things with “in my opinion” or the like, but let’s keep things honest here. It’s about you not liking it, not about anything objective.

You apparently did not understand some things if you think being unsure of “what story was being told” and “why their characters were doing things” “shows glaringly in the final product.”

Eh, on PC, you can generally get a decent price or wait a little while for a great one. It was selling for $25 not too long ago. Game sounds fun, though.

Even people who know what they’re doing are worse than an edge pro. An edge pro can’t be “outpaced,” whatever that even means in terms of sharpening a knife. Customization is easy with an edge pro, it’s just a way to get a very precise angle with the same, albeit smaller, stones and other sharpening tools like

Obviously, but my point is that this saying relies on something else being the real motivation. The words themselves aren’t motivational.

Good to know, thanks for the summary. Looks like PC performance is pretty good, which is what I’ll be playing it on.

Unhappy marriage? Only 40%, stick through it no matter how much it sucks. It’s great if you only do this for things that will pay off rather than as a form of submission to what you’re already doing.

Kilgrave was the absolute best character in the show. Very well characterized and acted. He was played as very human and real not some inscrutable mastermind.

Indeed, cut out his tongue. They had days, and in Jessica and Trish’s case months, to think that up. What’s up with that? One of my biggest disappointments with the show is how dumb so many of the characters are.

Where the hell is ANYONE in all this? I’m with whoever wrote a previous article on the MCU. What’s the point of having a single universe if nothing reflects it in one of the branch franchises but a few mentions? If that would ruin the telling of the story, then why mention it at all? Or try to at least come up with a

Eh, EdgePro has pretty much all the possibilities covered. Don’t know about many more possibilities than getting a knife sharp, though. Well, serrations are weird on stones. That’s one of the reasons I like the Sharpmaker. But, yeah, I have spent less time sharpening than I should be. Then again, I’ve also spent less

So, yeah, like I said, time and money. You don’t really mention the time investment for stones freehand though. I think it matters how much one values their time and need for paying close attention.