
Your price guesses are different than my price experiences for soda.

Last time I bought a soda from a vending machine it cost $0.25, and I'm only 26, so I find your claims suspect. I'm in a restaurant to consume food and drink in the first place. I don't go to a yard sale expecting a drink.

There are also ways to control one's depression.

I choose $0.50. I'm not out to be a vending machine, which are becoming rare anyway. I'm trying to make my yard sale a better place to be so people will spend more money. But, you have a good point.

Please actually read my comment. I literally say, "a 12-pack costs something like $0.30 a can...."

It is relative. And the yard sale relates more to a bar than a stadium. Also, the ability to go somewhere is directly related to convenience. Is it convenient to just leave a yard sale? It is. At least, its as convenient as being there in the first place. Far more so than a stadium you entered by paying a potentially

You're trapped in a stadium. You're not trapped at a yard sale. The yard sale is more akin to a bar than a stadium. So, yeah, other cold drinks are nearby unless you live in the middle of nowhere.

If someone can control their diet, then someone can control their depression. Your reasoning is flawed.

$1 for a can of soda? Who the hell would pay for that? I'm guessing you're talking about affluent areas? Considering a 12-pack costs something like $0.30 a can, $0.50 a can sounds more like a price someone would pay.

1. That's OK, not everyone can be like me and have a great memory.

Pimp My Lightsaber, but real. Damn.

So said everyone at Valve with equal sarcasm.

Simplistic? You're the one saying that the changes are "superficial." You clearly can't grasp the many vast differences between each game.

I guess you better get started, then.

Well, I mean, hey, no one else is offering a solution, either. Other than Valve being the gatekeeper and defeating the purpose of Greenlight. Then we're just back to it not existing at all.

When did you love it? Morrowind? Before? If before, then you liked a fairly bad game or two.

Automatic is simply preferred by most in the US. People who like to drive generally get manual. There's no law on it either way.

Actually, they completely changed the mechanics of progression from TES IV to V. It feels like a very, very different game. As someone who hates the series, you wouldn't be able to tell as your judgement is impaired.

Availability is good but almost exclusively in bottled form, almost no draft Hefe to be found. Only once at the one good bar and fairly regularly at the one German restaurant with a beer garden in the area did I ever find my absolute favorite beer, Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse Dunkel, on draft. I've had Paulaner and

Nintendo of Apologies should be a new section formed for getting good games localized in different languages.