
first, it is also: fish, shrimps, meat, furniture... all things we do not and cannot do here anymore for years and massive investment. With money we won’t have as our currency will devalue quickly if chinese start selling their dollar reserves.

way to be so off topic, it is ridiculous.

little little cucaraccha

“I just want the best bang for the buck”

so, it might or might not weed out bad guys, which from the security teams, it will not. but maybe.

Yes, I read,

The new government actions are leading us more towards “Continuum

show me unbiased stats, not sponsored by either liberal groups, not NRA / republican groups.

BY that, you are referring to Trump voters who keep on wanting more guns, without a single control, none, zero, crazies can and do buy guns, we should not control. right?

Or is it, uneducated people that drink Kelly ann’s cool aid.
and take for true things said by Trump, because, Trump said so.

you know how many people use computers to do bad things, so we should put mandatory spyware for the administration on YOUR own PC, because of them, and this without telling you.

I hope he will: you know darwin and stuff.
But I guess he does not believe in that either ;)

so, to save what? 200$ a month = 2400 year, maybe 50K over 20 years,

No you are not.
You subsidize yourself. Your future self.
Statistically, over the course of your life, you too will face medical challenges, of a high cost. The certainty is 100%, either a big disease, or you are very healthy, and will live longer, at that very old age, you will then require a lot of health care.
so you

haha, will not be comunist though, I higly doubt it.

So that is what it comes down to?
Rewriting history for the benefits of the few, and the harm of the many.

destroying scientific, research and humanity’s knowledge, so to control the outcome of the information, and dumb down the people, so there is less questioning.
Honestly, that tactic is used in Iran, Syria, North

he must be like people who just bought an Apple watch,an expensive gadget, or car thinking it is magic based on the snake oil salesman, .

Anger issues, have we?

“Kids probably wouldn’t take too kindly to seeing the dismembered digits”
I’ll correct that for you
Helicopter parents that are screwing up their kids, and “preparing cattle for the slaughterhouse of the real world” (not mine, can’t remember the quote’s source”, these parents would not take too kindly to their kids and