
I hope it’s teaches dumb, lazy Americans to show up to the fucking poles one day every 4 years. For fuck’s sake

Roger Stone + Putin + Comey. You tally the inches.

Obama has to be diplomatic. I don’t.

He is indeed illegit and we can boot a leader who willfully leads us down a rapid path of destruction. He needs a proper evaluation. That would be productive. And fuck your comparisons to Breitbart, fool ass.

American culture as a whole sees the sort of careful and qualified language used in analysis as uncertainty or dishonesty. It doesn’t suit the whole “says the truth/straight talking” image.

For Russia? Sure. At the moment their is not enough evidence to impeach Trump for his ties to Russia. But there is plenty of evidence regarding his business to make the case that he will be violating the constitution the second he takes office.


I’m guessing it’s a horrible trifecta/perfect storm of undealt with emotional and psychological issues, decades of stimulant abuse and dementia.

He even describeded his crowd as “vicious and mean.”

His attacks on the US intelligence community is part of his broader playbook and borrowed from 30's. By doing this he will be able to install those loyal to him and his repulsive ideals. Pence, Ryan and other GOP are traitors to the US for rationalizing trump’s behavior.

I don’t remember him ever saying one positive thing about this country.

I was so happy when Obama was President because I didn’t have to be embarrassed by my country’s leader like I was with W.

All three of the intelligence agencies agree on interference and degree is impossible to quantify. If they swayed even one voter then it is absolutely interference. The margins were so thin in key states. Plus the timing of the leaks coincided perfectly w his talking points plus they hinted darkly there was more to

I too would like him to stop praising foreign dictators and insulting Americans.

grounds for impeachment

A foreign govt interfered in our election to help him. He is illegitimate. I don’t care what you call me go bury your head in the sand while the grown ups take our country back.

This is driving me crazy. As a former (low level) intel analyst seeing how Trump is acting towards the intel community hurts me. Is there flawed intelligence? Absolutely. That is why any analyst worth anything will pepper briefs and papers with terms like approximately, in vicinity of, assessed and various levels of

Set up an email server in his basement?

I hope Trump does keep shitting on the intelligence community.

I have a question to those more well-versed in this topic than I. But what exactly would Trump have to do to have it be considered treason. Because all of these Russian links really confuses the hell out of me.