
@Allen750000: Yup, not wanting to get dicked over by a lying bitch makes me a troll. Absolutely.

@The5thElephant: I sound sad and bitter because I don't want some lying, manipulative bitch to make me miserable? Riiiight.

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: Ah, spoken by a true Apple Fanatic who hasn't used a Windows computer in decades.

@Arken: Bullshit. It requires just as much moving of your fingers and pressing against a hard surface to use a touch screen as a keyboard.

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: Yes, because there's very little that a $700 laptop can't do that a $1700 one can.

@The5thElephant: You have no room to talk here, with your childish insults simply because someone disagrees with you.

@The5thElephant: I lose credibility by pointing out that I have more experience than you and as a result, am more capable of telling you how the typical girl behaves?

@Tyrunn: Why would you take offense at that? Clearly they do not have fully functioning brains if they did such a thing, thus they fall under the category of "mentally retarded". But hey, better to cry like a three year old because a word hurt your feelings than for you to actually have a point.

@Tyrunn: Wow, that was the dumbest comment ever. What did your comment have to do with anything in reality? Nothing. These people are clearly morons - only morons turn a car and drive straight into a building because someone (real or robotic) said "turn".

@bigcamcrsx: A MBA costs more than $1,000 base price. However, spending $2,000 on toys that you could get items of equal (or greater) performance for a fraction of the price implies that either a) you have a lot of debt due to poorly managed finances or b) you have so much money that you don't care how much you piss

Confused? No. Retarded? Yes. If his wife had told him to turn and there was no road, would he still have turned? Sadly these people have already reproduced and further infected the gene pool.

@subtlescalpel ▚▛▜▝▟▚: Your father obviously has way more money than he knows what to do with. Since that's the case, could you ask him to donate some of those millions to those of us who work for a living?

Apparently the iPhone's magic and the Steve Jobs Reality Distortion Field don't work in outer space.

@The5thElephant: If you don't want to believe it, that's fine. You're the one who's going to end up broken and poor, not me. As one of my teachers used to say "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink by sucking on it's butt". What you choose to do is up to you, I'm just providing you with the

Sorry, but no. Size is an issue on a laptop. Sure, on a desktop it's not a big deal to buy a 64 GB SSD for your OS and programs and leave everything else on another HD or even throw it on an external drive. However, on a laptop if you're not usually sitting in the same spot in an office, it's way too much hassle to

@Yinzers Are Looking For Seven: Really? Holding a lit flame just underneath a highly flammable object is a "mistake anyone could make"? No, it's a mistake only the criminally stupid would make.

@MifuneT: What's more fun (and safer) is to take a can of compressed air and flip it upside down (so it's super cold) and then freeze them.

To quote Hermione Granger - "What an idiot".