
1st gear: automotive supplier here. We could have moved jobs from overseas to our facility in a state desperately in need of economic development. Instead, we moved them to Mexico entirely due to impact from Trump’s tariffs. So... muchas gracias, el Presidente.

4th gear: I think Lyft’s future outcome really depends on

I just had a follow-up to a physical last month when I was prescribed some new medication.

2nd Gear: Robots (and the people that service them) are not at risk for repetitive stress injuries.

The passivating layer isn’t added by “stainless steel processing” but a naturally occurring phenomenon due to the chromium present in the steel. It can be removed by abrasion but will re-form over time.

But, when it’s subject to constant/repeated abrasion...

Would have picked Nintendo because of its awkward wording (why wouldn’t they have said NES?)

Also because I thought the D&D handbook came out in the 80's and only know about the reboot Battlestar Galactica.

Chalk one up for incompetence.

Well the guy’s twitter was also full of racist shit so..

As much as I agree with you.. I happened to read this piece yesterday that put it into words much better than I could why direct confrontation is difficult at best.

I think it’s less the “on your knees” and more “like you used to”. Being on your knees signifies subservience and used to is.. well, that’s what really makes it racist.

Her statement basically starts off

As OEMs consume the low hanging fruits, it becomes more and more difficult - and more expensive - to make improvements. But that’s not to say that the improvements aren’t there.

I just hope people will also branch out and use other words to express themselves, using terms like furthermore, however, in addition, etc.

This is the person in charge of representing the athletes’ interests?

You’re either racist or willfully ignorant.

Ah right, consent. I guess trafficking, then, should also include “kidnapping or coercion” in the mind, whereas transport is literally just that - moving from point A to point B.

And yeah, as for a real life description/example of how trafficking works, this was on The World last night:

unlawful transportation for the purposes of prostitution

Somebody sure is glad that this Titan of Industry will make more money in a year than they every will in their lifetime, all the while paying a lower tax rate.

Not necessarily! Because of the way his compensation is structured (i.e. meeting company performance metrics), he now has strong incentives to meet those performance metrics even at the cost of long-term viability.

Let’s say he gets a bonus for meeting vehicles sold/year. He might now be tempted to agree to deep

Waiting for CNN to hire a Senior NAMBLA Correspondent.

For “more viewpoints.”

Betting he pays Ortiz 45k, to make it the 50k that “he requested.”

When it comes to professional sports refereeing, it would really be nice for everyone *especially the leagues and referees themselves* to acknowledge that they’re human and make mistakes. Or, that there are some situations where it’s genuinely 50/50 and the refs basically won’t be able to make a “right” decision.
