
The knife thing is silly, of course, but you really should be using left-handed beef so the grain of the meat has the proper orientation.

technically its an incel phone

“The bicycles were intended to introduce young riders to the Harley-Davidson brand and were styled to look like the company’s motorcycles.“

I sure hope it makes you wave your phone like a wand and yell dumb faux latin things.

Why does absolutely everything need a timeline

The more things change the more they stay the same...

“Investigators determined the cause of the fatal solo-vehicle collision was unsafe speed for the roadway conditions,” Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Commander Mike Parker said Tuesday.

To your point about the presence of these lootboxes affecting purchasing decisions, we’ll see, but I’ve seen Microsoft, for example, going to town with lootbox-based features in many of their first-party games for years. They keep trying and seem to only have met formidable resistance with the Forza 7 thing.

This is a strange sensation, looking at the ugly results of a severe product shortage and not being able to blame Nintendo.

“There are worse horror stories, too; people are reporting fights breaking out, lines blocking traffic...” people driving for 40 minutes and then spending an hour in line...

Well, they have to do something with all the extra h2/3 bumper parts they have laying around.

There’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with two-tone paint jobs. You’ll just have to trust me that I typed this with a straight face.

The backside of the Pixel 2 is criminally ugly...Especially that chalky blue one.

OH! Jokes about the reliability of Alfa Romeo. SO original and funny! HAHAHA!

“The first thing I’m thinking is there’s some pedophile trying to buy my grandson an Xbox,” Watts’ grandmother Saundra said. “So I’m like, I’m going to bust up in there and bust his bubble.”

50 miles down the highway puts these cars right in the Atlantic Ocean, which is fine by me