
I can tell you that my daughters room has *always* smelt better than the boy rooms. Always.

But it’s tasty!

I know three people with gout. One of them is a fit middle-aged guy with a liking for health food and red wine. One of them an obese middle-aged woman who eats a *lot* of deep fried food and drinks tonnes of green tea. The last a slender older woman who has hard-core flare ups if cauliflower is even in her house.

I’m quite sure they already have, in a manner of speaking. I suspect the phones would have been running hot in the lead-up.

I’m not seeing anyone “shaming” the able bodied anywhere, but damn right it is a privilege! Are you kidding me?

Yeah, no. Sorry, that’s not how it works.

The answer is in the word “Orthodox”. They’re the “wrong” kind of christian.


I still think she left him. The last however many days she was out of action was all about negotiating her back in.

I hope you know a good wig-maker.

I don’t know Frances at all (duh) but it wouldn’t surprise me if she didn’t always make the most sensible of decisions. Neither side of her percentage is stable.

It is entirely possible that he is a raging arsehole, and telling the truth as he saw it. Maybe. They could have “roughed him up” to scare him into being less of a douche.

Ugh. This is probs the flu speaking, but I’ll give you my (unasked for) thoughts on Eric Trump.

Eric looks like an albino ferret.

They’ve probably buddied up at some point to go on the prowl.

Fucking hell. My 16 yo gamer, who only leaves his room for school and food, is “familiar” with Weinstein and his bullshit - and he lives under a rock.

One of these things is not like the other.

Not hilarious for the kids, though.

If I were to ever get pregnant again (ahahNO), and I lived in the US (no), I would much rather be branded a slutty mcslut from slutsville (which I kind of am, and I’m fine with it) and say I had no *idea* who the father was.

Because I’m feeling friendly and obliging today, I will give you exactly what you came here looking for.