
My wife’s granddad used to drive her and her two brothers around in the loader bucket on the front of the tractor, and let them help out when he split logs with the log splitter. This is apparently a machine that basically squeezes logs until they fly apart into firewood-sized chunks. If i can find the pic of them in

Kitchen sink or bathroom sink?

This is the problem: the mistaken (or disingenuous) idea that Kaepernick et al are protesting the anthem itself. They’re definitely not mad at a song! They’re using it to draw attention to a specific set of issues. Or trying to, in the face of many many people who would rather make this about almost anything else than

I was 11 for Hurricane Bob and my dad was almost but not quite as nutty as yours. He took me down to the dock in New London CT as Bob approached, to help him tie the boat up tighter or whatever it is you do when a hurricane is impending and you own, but barely know how to use, a 17-ish-ft sailboat. Well wouldn’t you

Correct. His real name is Remington.