
I’d just call it “Ultimate Spider-Man” and be done with it. No racial bias needed. I think the issue would be where the movie vs comics knowledge would hurt the marketing campaigns. Which is an utter shame. Miles would be awesome to see, and I hope someday soon.

I get what your saying, but if that’s the case, how do you handle Spider-Woman, Spider-Girl or Spider-Gwen by comparison? That’s the apples and oranges comparison. The character itself contains a gender specific name. Spider-Gwen only carries separate because it’s Gwen Stacy, but in the comic she is referred to as

“and then, and THEN! You find out the droids WERE the ones they were looking for!”

Gives a whole new meaning to Multi-Pass!

I agree. I think in terms of the fighting games, and their characters, it depends on how much work went in to coding them as well. For the Predator that also included licensing rights. If they’re essentially copies of other character’s models and move sets (as Reptile was originally) charging $5 is steep. However, if

Not all for nothing man! The stories are still there and you can read and enjoy them whenever. No one took the books from you lol

Here’s at least one not angry response lol. You’re 100% correct about your first point.

Oh thank you! I was waiting for someone to make this point. I’ve been playing games since 1989 and every single new game that has ever come out has carried a high tag. Game Boy games, Super Mario Land was $40 when it came out, have not shifted in price in nearly 30 years. $50-$60 for a game has been a standard price

ECTObirds are Go?

However, Vader in Dutch does mean father, but it is pronounced differently. Vater in German holds the better pronunciation. Thanks Lucas for skewing everything lol.

I laughed far to hard at this

Honestly, until the death and rebirth aspect, he’s much more logically a Moses analog. Even his name Kal-El means “Voice of God” in Hebrew.

1. And? How does that stop people from associating the character with Messianic qualities? It doesn’t. People will project their ideals on whatever they want. Just let them.

Think of this as what happened with “The Dead Zone” movie and the “Garlic Junior Saga” in DBZ. The movie came out and wasn’t canon, then they made the character canon to “fill in” the gap between Namek and the Android Saga. Or better yet, the DB film “Path to Power” which retold the original DB origin but doesn’t

Honestly, I think there wasn’t a denial but more of a matter of not straightforwardly addressing it. Which to me, as a viewer, was fine. The last 2 seasons did have an interesting point in which Scully became the “Mulder” character while Doggett became Scully - the striaght man so to speak. I see your issues though, a

What do you mean? Asking for clarification. The reason the show was hampered was because David couldn’t get his contract to work out with Fox after Season 7, and thus exited the show as a main series regular. Fox screwed him out of a lot of money and he filed a lawsuit with them that resulted in a settlement of 20

It’s the absence of light, matter, or any other form of mass. For example, if you are studying the center of a Galaxy or Solar System and you notice that stars and bodies of mass are orbiting a dense place that can’t be seen. You predict that the mass is slowly decaying into this mass, and you observe this action.

You aren’t kidding. The man that composed the music is named Tsutomu Ooashi (under a pseudonym of course - Shoji Yamashiro). He wrote a scientific paper called the “Hypersonic Effect” in which he posits that humans can have their emotional and psychological moods altered based on ultrasonic sounds/pitches (anything

Now playing

Yup! Golgo 13 was the first that can be easily found to use a generated image. You weren’t wrong originally either. I kind of shot myself in the foot initially because I stated “effects” rather than objects or a more accurate term so my apologies there. Computers were a blessing, but sort of became a curse, for

As I covered in someone else’s post, the practical effects were aided by computers yes, but they were not generated by computers alone. This is a huge distinction. The cells that were drawn, inked and then painted were touched up by a computer, but were not generated by one.