
Definitely the first film, but try not to watch the 2.0 version. It has these integrated CG scenes which, while look cool, are jarring next to the original animation from 94. It pulls you out. I’d watch the second film Innocence after. Some had issues with it, but I felt it followed up the first film better than SAC.

If we’re talking about something more substantial than the old books with records in the back - it is this book. I have owned a copy of this in various covers since I was 4 or 5. This particular cover I’ve owned since I was in primary school, around 6 or 7 years old I believe.

Her name is Sarah Scott

As the owner of a Dachshund, I can vouch for this. They also have teleportation abilities. (>.>) no seriously.

Construct Printing?

No they can’t. Marvel doesn’t own the rights to use him in that manner. Sony has the final creative control, that’s why the casting process is a problem. Marvel doesn’t have control of the character.

That’s fairly accurate sadly :-\. It’s the extremity that causes the negative backlash.

No it isn’t. My apologies. In my haste to get it up I grabbed a Hi-Rez shot of the reminder text and didn’t notice the wrong set symbol. I posted the correct version to a poster later on.

Don’t you mean lawying around?

It all depends on what you’re playing for. To me, if I knew I’d be able to make those tournaments, knowing the schedule, I’d figure it’d be worth it. That’s just me though. I figure the pay-outs even things out, especially since this would be my profession. I think it’s the perception that Maynard was grinding hard

Your comment shows you may not understand the nuances of the situation as it unfolded at the moment he chose that card. You want to make this about a power struggle and it’s not about that. If you wan’t to listen, I can try to explain it further to you. It’s not whining to have wanted to make a different choice based

Velociraptor was only about the size of a turkey.

Well as someone pointed out, this was a proxy using a different set-symbol, Zendikar. The misspelling of Instant was that person’s error. I was in a hurry to find a hi-Rex shot of the original text. Here’s the actual version -

We need to stop people from claiming other people are wrong for having a dissenting opinion. That assertion only hurts open debate and dialogue.

HAHAHA you’re so right. I didn’t even catch the Zendikar symbol Sheesh. I was simply going for a hi-rez version of the reminder text.

Not a problem. It surprised the heck out of me as well!

Yup. I stopped playing with my roommates because of this. Only the reverse in my case, they played for fun and I played competitively. They didn’t have the funds to shell out for the decks like I did, nor did they want to. Playing against me, it wasn’t fun for them, and I didn’t want to continually stop them from

The issue for other pros was that it wasn’t worth 15k right then. The idea was that he was 2nd in the World for Pro Points, had been grinding his way to a spot at the Worlds Tournament, the Pro Tour and Platinum status. All of those would have generated around $30-$40k in prize earnings. It was a gut choice, and it

Tribal counts. Says so in the reminder text of the original printing.