
See, that’s the issue. The card isn’t actually worth that much. The controversy drummed up that money. In retrospect that’s fine, but that was not the situation at the tournament in the moment. The auction and charity was an after the fact moment. Not the original reason he took the card. Also, he doesn’t get 7k. You

Look to Twitter at his Channel Fireball teammates or read the article he posted on their website about it. He took a lot of flack from them for this. That’s the Pro community talking. Not us, who in all likelihood, done the same thing.

But it’s pre-order and release price was $2-$5. Yes it went up. But I was marveling at it’s release as opposed to what it is now.

-Shrug- my guess...they have pads on their feet which are akin to why we wear shoes? That the pads protect their feet already. It’s their biological make-up.

NVM. Drax moment...

No problem! I’ve been a green player for years so I completely understand. No matter what deck I build Green goes in it. If you want a fun, cheap, deck - check out some of the Green Infect decks that are out there. Some of them are a Turn 3 kill!

That’s fair. I guess I look at it as someone who brewed the deck, but has terrible luck with shuffle/drawing. I’ve got a friend who can build decks, but can’t pilot them because he always ends up in one of the aforementioned situations. I agree the skill is more or less, being able to read and play proactively against

I think you don’t. Was the card ever that low? Yes. Never doesn’t apply. There is no nuance to that statement. Good day to you.

Now playing

I’ll break it down a little bit for you. Just so you can see the relative power we’re talking about.

Haha she’s a Marine Bio Major too. Loves Doctor Who, Comics and plays MMOs! Why do you think she’s my fiance`? I wouldn’t let that go XD.

That’s your opinion. I won’t call BS on you for it. But the camera didn’t lie, and it’s in the recaps for the match. He lost to the card he passed. He wasn’t even playing the Goyf in his deck. He was R/W.

In draft, yes, you can do better. Which is what a lot of other Pro Players pointed out when all this started. Even Maynard himself stated that the Burst Lightning was a better pick.

Haha fair enough. Thanks for answering. I’m always curious because I write articles on magic from time to time and am always fascinated by whether someone is a better deck builder or just outright player.

Wrong on both accounts. I am a Graphic Designer and live with my fiance at the beach, 4 hours away from either of our families. Got another?

It’s not about morals here. You’re confusing my analysis for personal opinion. The Pros themselves have expressed extreme displeasure at his choice, including his teammates. That’s their moral issue and my analysis is in support of their reasoning.

I guarantee you he did. Because he did. That Burst Lightning ended up in Duchon’s deck. Which he used to beat Maynard 2-0.

Maynard himself in his own article on the situation states he chose the card out of greed. He knew the other card was the better choice. That he knew he was choosing it because he could sell it, knowing that he would receive a cash payout for making the Top 8.

Right. He gets paid to play Magic and attend tournaments through Channel Fireball. Which means he effectively represents them and what they stand for. They, his fellow teammates, were the ones that were upset with his choice. Now, about that money -

Oh yes, messaged was conveyed. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to insinuate it wasn’t. Because you are correct. Chance is a huge part of this game, especially in draft.

It is a math question. You are correct. The equation of what would make me the most money now. However, most people here didn’t watch the tournament, nor understood the other things that happened. This article also doesn’t cover how much the card is actually worth in terms of the tournament. Nor does it cover the