
The moment right here. Man I loved every frame of this film, but this was just fist pumping HELL YEAH!

It shares the commonality with films from the 80’s. Think of it like Ripley/Hicks from Aliens. Or the original Total Recall with Quaid/Melina. It’s that mutual respect dynamic. The other girls are essentially tropes -

Most badass moment I have seen in a film in a LOOOOOOONG time. Hell yeah to this scene.

The movie could have gone a different way. It easily could have turned them into damsels in distress that Mad Max has to save, while they themselves become supplicant sex objects. The “oasis” scene, where they’re cleaning themselves and drinking water was the turning point. When they cut the chastity belt off, that’s

I forgot this earlier, when Iron Man and Hulk are fighting, The Hulk gets angry when Tony mentions “Puny Banner,” and he apologizes. This would insinuate that The Hulk has spoken in between films.

That’s just it. DC and Marvel aren’t producing these films. Disney and WB are. There in lies a huge distinction. Disney is appealing to boys and has stated as such on multiple occasions. That’s their intended audience for these films. WB isn’t worried about them.

Chasing Amy. $250,000 budget. $12 million in profit. In fact, most of his films turn that kind of profit. Clerks especially. He was one of the first directors that a studio looked at and realized they could barely fund him, and he’d turn a profit.

No, I don’t agree. Joss never made her character good. The one guy that she falls for is the one that is most likely to cause her harm. In fact, in Avengers, The Hulk is chasing her through the helicarrier, when she is cornered her goes to backhand her. Not to punch or toss violently around, but raises his hand in a

He doesn’t unfortunately. However, he has cognitive functions and acts with the group as a team. The best shot of this is at the end where they’re standing over Loki in Stark Tower. He’s in control, moving with the group in a non-threatening manner.

You know that’s funny because I never stated anywhere that I believed this to be censorship as a governmental body never asked or forced DC to remove the cover. Nor did I particularly like the cover as it featured Batgirl in her current costume and reflected her at this point in her life, it was in bad taste. So I’m

The success isn’t the problem. It’s the fact that there isn’t a choice, or an alternate ideal out there. For example, if one company owned all the news in the world, then you would only get specific stories that the company execs approved. Everything is controlled, quantified and mitigated from the individual’s

lol Sorry if that sounded trite on my end. Whedon is a very touchy topic for me, especially lately. I just feel like this film was like reading a comic of my favorite heroes, written by my least favorite writer.

What they should have done was linked this to the main article.

Oh I totally agree. When you start trying to ground everything in reality you strip the imagination away from things. The wonder and mystique get lost and it becomes akin to reading a text book. I love hard Sci-Fi like Clarke and Asimov for a reason, but a dude getting nailed by a bolt of lightning during an

Haha just read anything by Stephen Hawking!

Good question. The thing is that the droid ships weren’t 100% droid controlled. The ones at the Battle Of Naboo still had Neimoidian controllers on the bridge. Same at Geonosis. Even Grevious wasn’t 100% a droid. He was a cyborg (his backstory is pretty brutal) and needed amounts of breathable air to function, just

That’s my problem. I haven’t trusted Whedon at all, ever. That, in itself is another topic.

Yes, but here’s the kicker, if the guys can see how bad the character is in its portrayal of women that tells you something.

See, that’s where the movie fails horribly even more. At the end of the first film we see Banner walk towards the Chitauri metal worm claiming, “I’m always angry,” and then transforming himself, in control, into the Hulk. He also speaks, takes orders from Cap, rescues Iron Man. He spends that whole fight completely

Oh you don’t want Quicksilver to have character. Trust me on this. Whedon has said in interviews that his cut footage made him to be, and I quote, a “pussy hound,” and arrogant. Which was supposed to make his death have more meaning because Hawkeye, being a family man, hated him.