
No. Scarlet Witch’s power is the ability to distort time space and dimensions based on calculations of what events she is manipulating. She is literally the most powerful character in the Marvel universe and is the source of why the Mutants were decimated in the mainline books. Wanda is amazingly powerful.

At least she would have been included! Think about it. THOR gets so bogged down that he has to run to a woman to save him. That would have been great. Instead we get a cameo by the guy that nearly destroyed the world (mind control or not) in one film, and then he gets elevated to being a full-fledged member of the new

I did at first, until my Fiance` pointed out something. They’re one-upping each other. Worst of all, they’re doing it with their women. Then on top of that, the only one to call them out on it? Another woman! Maria gets relegated to calling the boys pigs, while two other males just stand there grinning. Worse is after

You’re surprised by any of this in a Joss Whedon film? Dudes been riffing on this idea for decades.

I read “origin” as how he became to be the most feared Bounty Hunter in the galaxy, or why Darth Vader specifially tells him “No disintegration!” His birth, and turn is locked-in yes. Yet how does he go from orphan to Jabba and Vader’s go-to-guy? That would be interesting to see. It’s covered in the EU with the Bounty

Since I’m in the graphics/art/comic field. How much of social agendas and opinions you take in to account when doing your work. When your work no longer becomes your own and whether you’re distorting your vision and creation to appease people rather than letting it stand on it’s own. It seems like a no-brainer but

Did you see that ludicrous display last night?

The joke is that her boobs were front and center. Especially when the camera is zooming in through the windows. It was the focus and center-line follow for the camera zoom. Hence the “er, stand-out” joke. She’s just a civilian, but her cleavage should’ve had it’s own credit it was that badly shoved. Almost as bad as

Those photos are awesome! I’m loving the “Property of Joker” on the back of her jacket. Nice touch! Her heels though! What the heck is up with those? lol.

You asked the right question lol.

You’re not condescending in your assessment of the films. I agree with you there. These movies are made to propel action sequences because they’re blockbusters and comic book films are perfect for that! The issue is that being a fan of the comics and knowing the worlds fairly intimately, it’s not over-thinking as much

Because the “know-it-alls” know better than you. It’s all speculation and nothing confirmed. Guggeheim only stated they’ll be gone for a “nonce” (a while). They’re off the table for now as they’re prepping the film, but after ARGUS and Task Force X being such important players in Arrow for 3 seasons, I doubt they’ll

Actually, you obviously don’t read, or watch. Go watch Arrow, Floyd Lawton is still on the show and a part of the Suicide Squad there. He was in this Season for an episode and last Season for 3. So good job there bud. He and Diggle had to team-up together and it was interesting watching Diggle patch him up while

They’re not doing Planet Hulk. Reason is, they don’t own the rights to a stand-alone Hulk film. Universal does, and will continue to do so for quite a while it looks like. So sadly, no. The complex singular personality won’t get here for a while. Especially since Joss Whedon asked Disney to not use the Hulk in Phase

Now THAT is a completely valid point. The people in these films don’t leave the area in which they’re being assaulted in. Although, take a traffic accident for example, how many times have you seen people get into more accidents because they were watching? Human nature is curious, but still, a falling building, or two

No. We’ve not had 5 films of this Superman. We’re looking at the current MCU versus Man Of Steel. It is a fair assessment. This Clark is a different Clark.

It’s not that he took it poorly. He did take it poorly. He looks Natasha in the eye and says the world now knows who the real Hulk is - apparently he was supposed to the the Gray Hulk during that scene which would’ve been interesting to see as Gray Hulk is traditionally more rage and less empathy. The thing is, it

Honestly, your theory works with what happens in the comics. If you’re unfamiliar with them that is. I tend to agree with your thinking overall, especially when it comes to Extremis. I think the biggest issue with IM3 was that it wasn’t John Favreau behind the camera. It was Shane Black. Black is amazing, but he wrote

I haven’t seen it yet. Mostly because of time really. It’d be hard to top Flash but I know that DD borrows heavily from the Frank Miller years and Kingpin is supposedly amazing. So I’m hopeful.

Yea but after 2 years. Can we move on to a different raison d’etre ?