
She’s Darkseid’s Daughter...she doesn’t need clothes or armor at all.

It’s more than that. The DC films were also never important to WB. Batman films yes, Superman films sure, but DC universe films no. WB had Harry Potter, and still does. They made a killing in box office returns on those films. Now look at the timeline of when they came out? Marvel was ramping up. By the time we got to

God I miss mine. I still have some of it somewhere....time for a search! Did you have the Slime Thrower as well!?

It is. It’s illegal to actually give any sort of answers other than,

Now playing

Forget the volley! Have you seen her new Q passive?! The visual power-up and then the volleys are awesome! I want to go back to playing her again now.

I’ll have to wait and see on the Ultron/Vision till the movie drops here. All I can do. I don’t disagree with you, but I’m just not convinced if that makes sense.

It does. You asked why take The Vision from Ultron. If they’re stripping away everything else about these character’s origins why not that part as well? Pym doesn’t need to be in the film to have created or given the idea for Ultron. Tony’s used plans by other designers already in the films and just improved or

This is my biggest irk with the film. The “better mousetrap” idea. Vision was created by Ultron, who was essentially Pym’s brain patterns gone wrong. The Vision is like Ultron’s brain patterns gone right in a sense. He’s his creator’s creation to an aforemention creation from a creator, who both failed. It’s that bond

Because they took Ultron from Pym and took Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch from the Mutants and Magneto. Simple as that.

No Man’s Land was rather hit and miss, so you’re really not missing much by not picking it up. However, I will say this, in the case of his immortality, read the series it’s from Endgame. I won’t spoil it, but it’s not quite what you’d expect. Remember, the article says, eluded to/hinted at, but not definite. Let’s

I would agree, to an extent. The issue with Ledger was that he’d primarily done films that never seemed like a good role/fit for a Batman villain - Knight’s Tale, Broke Back Mountain, 10 Things..., The Patriot. He’d always played the heartthrob and was a somewhat capable actor in that role. It was a worry that was at

That’s my point. When she twirls on the carpet and poses for promo pics, she does the pose without instruction. It’s a standard pose that actresses, models and so forth are trained to do. The exploitative nature, right or wrong, doesn’t apply here. They do this knowingly. They can choose not to. Or to choose a pose

I don’t disagree, but this is a terrible way to do this. This interview is hilarious, and done on purpose, which means the reporter wrote the questions specifically targeted towards being sexist. It’s agenda focused. What if during a normal interview Ms. Johanssen and Ruffalo began answering each other’s questions

Thank you for clarifying. As for the examples, I did let myself get drawn in. Intentionally. Combative or not, I feel like there is some marginalization in terms of how men are portrayed as well. If we’re being equals here. The justification for why men are shown that way is just as poor as the justification for why

I’ll see your Stand and Storm of the Century and raise you this...

You know, I debated the Cambell pic for exactly the reason you stated, however I feel as though he’s right in a lot of areas. His style, is just that, a style. That’s part of the issue I feel when it comes to these discussions, but I concede that point.

Oh I know the Hawkeye Initiative. I’ve looked it over several times. It still doesn’t cover the points that I’ve made. It’s essentially a Tumblr for posts that are specific to it’s agenda. It’s fine, but it’s one-sided. Also the you I used wasn’t you personally. It was a collective you, as in you the

Thank you. That was my point from the get go. It’s a bad shot for a lot of reasons. The photoshopped face just kills me. Yet the costume is exceptionally well done, and the pose isn’t forced. In fact it’s lacking that punch of kenetic energy because it isn’t forced or exaggerated. It seems as though the photographers

It’s not obtuse. It’s a fact. Women have those features, and they’re still a taboo subject.

Second time today Whatever Happened the Caped Crusader has been mentioned lol. Well played.